
Chapter 72: The God of Lightning that isn’t the God of Lightning, Part I

Chapter 72: The God of Lightning that isn’t the God of Lightning, Part I

Translator: HunterW | Editor: RED


The blade of my sword crashed to the ground as I cut down the last Gorgon in front of me.

==[You have gained a level.]==

“I’m finally level 200.” I started my hunt at five in the morning today, and reached level 200 at eleven that night. It took me eighteen hours to gain just five levels.

People would probably insult me and tell me off for being so nonchalant about taking eighteen hours to gain five levels. To most, that was an extremely fast time, but I was very unsatisfied.

“I suppose it’s time to move to a different hunting ground. Now that I have reached level 200, it’ll probably take a whole day just to gain one level by killing Gorgons. It’s only going to get slower from now on.” I walked the old Pocheon streets under the bright moonlight towards the city hall. I worried about how slow my leveling will be, but I was still happy. I reached level 200 faster than anyone could have dreamed of.

“I think I’ll eat my fill tonight and take it easy tomorrow.” It was around 11:20 at night when I entered the center of the city, but there were still many restaurants and bars still open. I went back to the motel room I had been using, took a long, hot shower, and came back out to really pig out. I had fried chicken, pork belly, meat stew and the like. I had always preferred meat over vegetables, but since waking up, I had been eating more and more meat.


I slept in until late morning the next day. I decided to reward myself a little for hunting sixteen hours a day for nine days straight.

At eleven, I watched the wheel spin and land on the 3 once more.

“Time to go to Seoul. I have nothing to fear from the Hitman Guild now.” I was 140 levels higher than I was when I first met them. I had better equipment, too. I had truly improved myself each day since I fought against the specialist and Kim Jihan. I was itching to spend some skill points.

“I just have to keep going to push them all back.” I wasn’t planning on staying in Korea forever. I knew of places with monsters stronger than Gorgons in Japan and in China. But right now, I knew what I had to get first.

-If I can’t find that item at the auction house, I’ll head to Australia!-

I left the motel and approached the open market full of devas buying and selling all sorts of items.

“Buying Gorgon Eyes! I’ll buy all you have! I’ll pay ten more than Store prices! I’m also buying Gorgon Hair Strands! I’ll buy all you have! I’ll pay fifty more than Store prices!”

I had a bunch of Gorgon Eyes and Gorgon Hair Strands from hunting Gorgons for two weeks straight. –I only promised them not to go to other Stores; we didn’t say anything about trading with other devas.-

This guy was buying at higher prices than Stores. It wasn’t a whole lot for me, but it was still higher.


“Hi. I’ve got Gorgon Eyes and Gorgon Hair Strands to sell.” When I told the deva that I was selling my items, his eyes lit up.

“I’ll buy all that you have.” Gorgon Eyes and Gorgon Hair Strands were used as material to craft certain items. As such, they were always in demand.

“I have more than a few; is that all right?”

“Not to worry! I’ll buy everything you’ve got.” I opened up my inventory and took out all the eyes and hair I had.

“I’ve got 745 Eyes and 294 Hair Strands.”

“What…” The merchant stood there wide-eyed, gaping at all the items I took out.

“It’s quite a bit, isn’t it?” I had spared no Gorgon I had met during the past couple of weeks.

“Not at all. I’m just grateful that you would sell all of them to me at once. As you know, Stores buy Eyes at 70 apiece and Hair Strands at 320 apiece.” I had no idea. However, I had overheard other devas make sales enough times that I supposed it was true.


“So I’ll buy the Eyes at 80 apiece and Hair Strands at 370 apiece. That sound good?”

I nodded.

“OK. Eyes come out to a total of 59,600 golden rings, and Hair Strands at 108,780. Altogether, that’s 168,380 golden rings. I’ll throw in another 17,000 rings for selling them to me in bulk.”

“Thank you.”

185,000 golden rings for nine days’ work was not bad at all! Hell, that was more than enough. After closing the sale, I left Pocheon and headed for Seoul.


Sprinting the fifty kilometers from Pocheon to Seoul, I arrived at Anton’s Store thirty minutes later. (TN: Dude can run 62 mph…!) I kept an eye out in case anyone from the Hitman Guild was onto me, but didn’t see anyone tailing me or anything. –I’m not going to run from them, but I still don’t want to go out looking for them, either.- I was still in the middle of improving myself each day, and was still only 22 days in.

It had been 22 days since I last came to Anton’s Store, and it was still full of devas. I wove through the crowd and went inside, heading for the general store first. I had just sold the Gorgon Eyes and Hair Strands, but I still had materials from the Seorak dungeon and from the smilodons to sell.

“Open Inventory!”


[-1,467,922 golden rings

-High grade health potions x20

-Shining high grade potions x5

-Bread x93

-Beverage x93

-Orb of Vitality

-Orc Champion’s Unexpectedly Durable Greatsword

-Money case, ring case, notebook, pen

-Luggage carrier

-Death Penalty Restoration (1) gem x3

-Blank Warp Scroll x3

-Activated Warp Scrolls: Seorak Mountain Dungeon entrance x2

-Damage Link Totem

-1-Day Safety Crystals x7

-Remaining slots x16]


I spent a lot of golden rings buying two extra inventories the last time I came to the Store, but after the dungeon raid and selling the Gorgon items, I was back up to over a million golden rings. I refilled my bread and drinks back up to 100 each and left the general store. I went down to the smithy to drop off my equipment for repairs.

I decided to spend the ten minutes it would take to fully repair my equipment at the auction house. My next destination depended if that item was there or not.

I still had the notes I made when I came back in time. Most of the information I wrote down was now useless, as it was already been four years into the Otadolon stage, but there was still a few useful pieces of information left. Hell, if I could just get that item I wrote about then I’d be halfway done!

There was no way I could have expected to come back to the past during my previous life. There probably wasn’t anyone else who ever imagined doing this. There was nothing I committed to memory, thinking that I was going to use it someday when I went back to the past. No, I brushed off almost all important information as I thought it was of no use to me.

I was proud of myself for even remembering the location of the first Don Gate!

Furthermore, items of Rank 8 and higher only spawned from random chests, so I didn’t know a whole lot about them. I didn’t know anything about what dropped from dungeon bosses and what spawned in which random chests. No one kept tabs on that… or if they did, they didn’t talk about it.

People only talked about what items appeared. They didn’t care about who got them or how.

It wasn’t just my lack of items; I was weak overall. I never had the will to do anything spectacular on my own. I didn’t try to join up with a large guild like others did. I didn’t know about anything about what people had done, or what went on in the world around me.

That lack of knowledge was what I regretted the most when I came back in time, and was why I was trying everything I could to become strong.

-It could potentially become my biggest stepping stone.-

I had already gained so much from becoming the first deva; the first to learn Unrivaled (and for free!), and learning the Selfish Random Skill. But there was still something far greater than all of that.

I probably would have been pissed off if I slept longer than four years and missed this item!

The item probably wouldn’t appear for another two or three years, but I could make it as long as I had the right materials!


The auction house sold items that were listed from any and all Stores. An auction house in Korea sold items from Japan, America, India and all other countries. The auction houses were always full of devas buying and selling.

The basement first floor that the auction house was located on was enchanted to increase in size the more devas there were.

I saw a table with about ten other devas around it. That table could grow big enough to fit at least a hundred if needed. I walked over to a somewhat empty table and placed my hand on it.

==[Sell items, Buy Items, Calculate Prices]==

Three categories popped up in front of me. I quickly selected the Buy Items category.

==[Weapons, Armor, Accessories, Scrolls, Materials, Artifacts]==

I selected the Armor category. A menu showing headgear, chest armor, leg armor, gloves, boots and misc. appeared before me. There was a search bar at the bottom as well.

I selected the misc. category and searched for the item.


[Azazel’s Lightning Armor Set]

Piece of Azazel’s Cracked Lightning Armor Set A1

Piece of Azazel’s Cracked Lightning Armor Set A7

Piece of Azazel’s Cracked Lightning Armor Set C5

Piece of Azazel’s Cracked Lightning Armor Set E9



Piece of Azazel’s Cracked Lightning Armor Set B10

Piece of Azazel’s Cracked Lightning Armor Set D3


: ]


There were a lot of the Armor Pieces up for sale. I selected the C5 piece. “Item check!”

==[Piece of Azazel’s Cracked Lightning Armor Set C5 (No Rank)

A piece of armor that belonged to the fallen Angel of Lightning and Thunder, Azazel. Azazel fell from the heavens due to his rage and arrogance. His Armor split into pieces when he fell.

Only a part of the full set of Azazel’s Armor, there is no way to tell which part this C5 piece belongs to. Collect all pieces to recreate Azazel’s Armor.

Command any collected pieces to attempt to combine them.

Failing to find the proper combination will cause the pieces to disappear.

Price: 1,500 golden rings.]==

There was a legendary set of armor called Azazel’s Lightning Armor. It consisted of a helmet, cuirass, greaves, boots, and gauntlets. Each armor piece was split into ten pieces, for a total of fifty pieces.

Each piece was labeled A-E. Unlike normal jigsaw puzzles, each piece was the same color and shape. They could only be identified by their labels.

It might seem easy to collect all fifty different pieces and combine them to create the armor set, but there was a catch. Each piece had to be combined in order. The chance of finding the right pieces for each category was 1 out of 8,145,601, but finding the right order was close to impossible. The chance was 1 out of 1,491,041,720,931,840,000!

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