
Chapter 76 - Star - Waking Up In Hell




My head felt like it was going to explode. There was a pounding, throbbing like ache near my left ear that just refused to go away. It was dragging me out of nightmares about dark creatures trying to swoop down and catch me while I ran and ran. The pain had been permeating into my dreams as well since I dreamt that one of the creatures managed to hit me on my head twice.

As the sleep filled fog started to ebb from my brain, even though my eyes were still closed, I was able to think. Thinking led me to remembering. Remembering brought back fear and with that even more pain.

I had been with Chay. I had been in an accident. Uncle Howard found me. He had taken me from the ruined vehicle and carried me away. He got mad at me and dropped me on the ground. He hit me. He knocked me unconscious.

I bolted up into a sitting position then, opening my eyes wide with shock and fear. I was scared of what I might find but more afraid of not knowing what was around me.

The room I was in was dark but seemed to have a large window in the ceiling that let in the light of the moon and the stars. I could tell by looking out that window that we were high up in whatever building we were in. The room wasn\'t as bare as the cellar I had been in before. This time there was a relatively comfortable bed, though it was nothing compared to the one at Artem\'s house. There were also other pieces of furniture like a dresser, a night stand, and a chair next to a window. That window, the one in the wall not the ceiling, had bars on it.

While I looked around the room I noticed that there was a big, heavy lock on the door that could only be opened by a key and that there were also bars on the door as well. This place looked creepy and gave me an uneasy feeling. Why was I here?

I went to try to move out of the bed and found that I was still in a lot of pain. I felt like there was something stabbing me in my chest that made it hard to breathe. My right leg, the one that had smashed into the dash board during the accident, was swollen and covered in bruises, it also felt like I had broken the bones in it as well. I could see lots of little cuts on my arms and legs and that made me remember the cut on my head.

The cut on my head had to have been the worst of them, it had bled a lot. The sticky blood that had trailed down my cheek to my neck had been caused by the gash from the ground during the roll. It had also been the place that Uncle Howard had placed his tongue against me and licked a trail up my cheek. He had seemed to enjoy the blood and had even stuck his tongue deep into the wound. Just remembering that made me want to shudder and gag.

Oh my God, I can\'t believe he did that to me. I felt like I had chills running through me at the thought of him touching me let alone licking me.

As I tried to get that memory out of my head, I heard the sound of the lock sliding open and the handle turning. Someone was coming in here, and I am pretty certain I knew who it would be.

"I see you are finally awake my dear Astraia." Uncle Howard walked into the room with a disgusting look on his face. He was looking at me as if I was something to be coveted and kept as a prize. I didn\'t like the way he had his eyes glued to me.

I shuddered involuntarily as I heard his voice.

"Remember your promise, my dear. You said you wouldn\'t run away from me again." He walked slowly over to me, sauntering and leaning forward like he was trying to appeal to me or something. "I do so hope you don\'t try to do anything you shouldn\'t. I would hate to have to hurt you. You are finally old enough to be mine. We can finally be together my love, isn\'t that lovely?" Just listening to him felt like it was killing my soul. I wanted to get away from him desperately.

"I don\'t want to be with you." I whispered the words, half hoping he couldn\'t hear me.

"What was that? It sounds like you\'re still being defiant."

"I\'m not defiant, I just don\'t want to be here." I glared at him.

"You know, I thought this on the way here, but it seems like my little spell was stolen by someone else."

"What?" I was curious by his words. "What spell?"

"You belong to someone else. I can see that. The talisman needs to be reset." He was grinning now, like he thought he was about to have some fun.

"My talisman?" I was so confused by his words.

"Yes, we need to reboot it so to speak." He placed his hand on my forehead then and began to chant words in a language I didn\'t understand.

"Stop, stop it, please." I begged him, fear causing my eyes to shed tears as I pleaded for him to not do whatever it was he was doing to me.

I felt like my whole body was growing cold, like I was laying in a pile of snow and was slowly being buried alive by it. I couldn\'t move my arms or my legs. The only thing I seemed to have control over really was my thoughts. My body was not mine anymore.

"That should do." Uncle Howard purred as he pulled his hand away. Without him holding me I seemed to have no strength at all and I collapsed back onto the bed. "Hmm, we will need to do something about all these injuries of yours." He sounded like he was thinking hard about something. "Here, this should do it." He sounded excited as he placed his hand on my head once more and chanted again.

An eerie light accompanied his words, something dark and sinister. I couldn\'t feel any difference at the moment but Uncle Howard seemed to be pleased.

"That will do, I think you should be just fine in an hour or so." He chuckled as he spoke. "I will give you a few hours before I come back. I want to finish this wedding tonight. I have waited oh so long to have you after all." With those words and the fading of the light I lost consciousness once more.

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