
Chapter 181 - Star - My Sister Chay




After we finished getting dressed and cleaned up our impromptu campsite, it was time to head home. Not surprisingly, we were both hungry and wanted food. I also wanted a shower after having spent the night outside.

When we got back, we set our stuff down in the garage and went into the house for breakfast. The food had already been prepared and set on the table. I was glad that I didn\'t have to wait at all. And it was one of my favorites: pancakes and bacon. So simple yet so good; the food seemed like it was designed to please everyone.

I ate a lot more than I usually did since the exercise from the night before had really taken a lot out of me. When I was done eating, I went back to my room that I shared with Artem. He came as well, since he needed to shower and get ready for the day. After we were both cleaned, and he left, I decided I wanted to start thinking about the wedding. Well, what better way to do that than with one of the best party planners that I knew.

"Hey Star, you know you\'re only like fifty feet away, right? You didn\'t need to call me."

"Well, I didn\'t know if you were busy so I called you. Want to come and help me with something?" I grinned even though she couldn\'t see it.

"Oooh, now I am intrigued. Let me just kiss your cousin goodbye, and I will be on my way."

"Did you phrase it like that on purpose?" I joked with her. "As some form of payback for me being with your brother."

"Nah, I was just being cute. I am happy you\'re with my brother. You two are perfect for each other."

I blushed at her words and was glad she couldn\'t see it. She was so nice and sweet sometimes, even though she was one of the funniest people that I knew. She was also one of the strongest people I knew. I didn\'t know what I would do in a life without her.

"Sooo, I can guess what you got up to last night." Chay didn\'t even bother to knock on the door when she came down to my room. She just opened it and came right in. "I saw the shit eating grin on my brother\'s face so I know he was really happy." She grinned at me.

"Well, you don\'t really know why he is happy though." I blushed at her as I thought about the meaning behind her words.

"Oh, I can guess." She laughed.

"It\'s not just the sex, you perv." I laughed at her; it was a long and loud laugh too.

"So there was sex. See, I knew it. That must have been hot, out there under the moon and stars. Not that I want to think about my brother in that way, but still it must have been intense."

She was making me blush even harder now. Why did she have to keep bringing up the sex? This would be so much easier if she didn\'t.

"So, what did you need help with?" She finally changed the subject as she flopped down onto the couch next to me.

"Well, I need some help planning something." I put a hand on my chin and pretended to be thinking?

"Are you talking about Artem\'s birthday? That\'s not until November. You have time."

"No, it\'s not that. This is something that I need to plan in a hurry." I shook my head like I was frustrated, but in truth I was hiding how funny I found this situation.

"What could you need to plan in such a hurry? A party for the kids?"

I watched as Chay turned her head in confusion and looked at me like she really didn\'t get that."

"The kids will be part of it, but that\'s not it though."

  "Oh geez, come on and just spit it out. Tell me what it is already." She looked excited and frustrated at the same time and it made me laugh.

"I mean, it\'s nothing overly major I guess. I just wanted you to help me plan my wedding." I shrugged as I said the words.

There was silence then, as Chay stared at me. For a moment I thought she was mad but she looked shocked. Her eyes kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger. Finally, when I thought her face might split apart or something, she jumped straight to her feet and started to jump up and down.


She screamed, danced, and squealed, all in joy. I could tell that she was happy at the moment, and I just wanted to giggle at her.

"Well, I am telling you now, aren\'t I? I mean, it just happened last night; when else would I have had a chance to tell you?"

"Uhm, I don\'t know, at breakfast maybe?" She was still on her feet, and it looked like she was dancing all over the place. "Do you know what this means, Star? Do you know what this makes us now?"

"No, what?" I laughed at her. "Planning buddies?"

"No! It means that we\'re sisters now. You are marrying my brother, and that makes you my sister for real now. I am so happy. I have a sister and my idiot brother finally did something right."

"So you\'re getting a sister and a nephew."

"All the boys are my nephews, yeah we knew that."

"No, Chay, a new nephew." We hadn\'t told her that we knew that the baby was a boy yet.

"Wait, what? You know? How do you know?" She was flabbergasted.

"The Fae Queen did some magic for us. She is my aunt like you know, and she helped us to see a magical light version of our baby."

"Oh my Goddess, that sounds so cool. I am so happy for you. I will have so many nephews. Maybe I will be the first one to have a girl when I finally have kids and get married."

"Maybe." I felt the love in the room. The love from her for me, for the baby, for Artem, for my future adopted children, for everyone. Chay really was a loving person; she had a lot to give.

For the next few hours until it was time for us to go down for lunch, we planned out different parts of the wedding. We also decided that we were going to get married the following month on September the nineteenth. 

That day was a Sunday so that would make things so much easier for those that work. But, it also only gave me around three weeks to plan this with Chay. I was assured that it was possible though. I also made sure to tell Chay that I wanted to make sure that my dad was able to help me plan the wedding. He had missed so much in my life so I didn\'t want him to miss out on anything else. Plus, with me and him, we might be able to do some of the wedding stuff with magic. I am sure he would be happy to help like that.

I was truly starting to get really excited now. I was planning my wedding. A wedding I wanted to be a part of, and no one was forcing me to be the bride. I was marrying Artem, who I thought was the best and most perfect man in the entire world. I was gaining so many children within less than five months. I had my dad in my life now. I had a grandpa, cousins, a sister, and lots of people around me that loved and cared for me. When did this become my life?

It wasn\'t that long ago that I was running and trying to get away from hell. It wasn\'t that long ago that I lived in constant fear and silence. And now look at me. I had it all. I had everything that I had ever dreamt of when I was running away from Uncle Howard. I had it all and more. This was truly the best place in the world for me. 

I couldn\'t stop myself from smiling and humming all through lunch. Apparently I looked overly happy, and everyone knew something was up.

"Why are you smiling so much, Mommy?" Cohen asked me with a smile.

"You look so happy." Flint grinned at me.

"I am." I smiled at everyone in the room as I squeezed Artem\'s hand next to me. "I am happy because Artem asked me to marry him."

That led to another large celebration. All of the kids were happy, but so was everyone else. Toby, Kent, Morgan, Reed, and Bailey congratulated Artem and hugged me. Grandpa looked like he was happier than he had ever been. And Dad just smiled since he knew it was coming. I was so happy to have all of them with me right now. 

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