
Chapter 17 - New Deal

"Hey, Wine? Are you still there? What\'s going on?" Sam\'s voice asked from the phone.

"I\'m in trouble right now, Sam. Your brother..." She spoke like she\'s running out of breath.

"What?! My brother\'s there with you?" Sam said with a surprise in his voice.

"Yes, and he heard everything you said, and now he knows that we aren\'t lovers and he\'s going to get crazy and he\'s going to kill me."

Wirata was rapping, that\'s what in her imagination at this moment, the bad crazy mafia out there, he\'s going to kill her.

"Hey, don\'t be silly. My brother won\'t kill you, he\'s a good man." Sam said.

"What?! A good man? You\'ve got to be kidding me, Sammie. Your brother, he\'s ev..."

She was going to say he was evil and everything she thought he was. But then she stopped the tongue in time.

Sam still didn\'t know that his brother kissed her and tried to chase her and threaten her like she was his enemy. He was happy when she told him that she\'d move to work at the Las Vegas branch, but the latest news about her being his brother\'s new secretary, Wirata hadn\'t told him yet.

She didn\'t want Sam to worry, and even he knew about all this, but what could he do about it?, Nothing. She should continue to keep it to herself, at least for now, just for Sam\'s sake. She loved him, didn\'t want him to feel uncomfortable to know that his friend and his brother were going to kill each other.

"My brother...what?" Sam\'s voice asked through the phone.

"No, nothing, let\'s forget about it, by the way, you kissed Sophia,..huh."

Wirata teased, changed topic and also changed her tone. She felt a bit calm down now.

"Yeah. That woman, she got on my nerves, I think I know how to shut her up now."

Sam said like he was going to kiss Sophia every time if he was annoyed, just to shut her up. Hum, that sounded a bad excuse to kiss a woman. Wirata had noticed that Sam was feeling something for Sophia, between the two, there was some special feeling going on.

"Hey, don\'t be a coward, Sammie, you wanted to kiss her for a long time and now you like it, that\'s what it all about, accept it." Wirata was teasing him. Sam was quiet for a second.

"What? Who wanted to kiss Sophia, you are joking, right? I\'m just so annoyed, thinking of moving out to live on my own." Sam said rapidly like he felt he had to say something, not accept what Wirata tried to accuse him.

"Really, that will be good for Sophia then. I\'ve heard there are a lot of handsome guys out there who wanted to get to know her."

"REALLY?! Did she tell you that? How come I don\'t know about this? Who? What guys?"

A string of questions followed as soon as Wirata finished, it made her giggle, here came Sammie, jealous huh?

"Aha, Real guys, a lot out there. Don\'t be too slow Sam. I warn you."

"Warn me about what?"

Question followed. Wirata shook her head,... dumb doctor.

"Well, I guess at the moment, your brain is a bit dull like the English weather. I\'m not going to say anymore, let you figure it out yourself. I\'m off now, will talk to you later, okay? Oh, another thing, you are not the first man who ever kissed our Sophia."

"What? Who else???"

Sam shouted without realizing himself, Wirata laughed, felt better now that she could pass the bad fruit to somebody else.

"It\'s a secret. You know what, a woman never forgets her first kiss, and unfortunately, your kiss wasn\'t her first one, sorry Sammie. Got to go now, Talk again, Bye."

"Hey! Wait!"

Sam shouted, but Wirata pressed the button to hang up already. the statement she just said to Sam that a woman never forgot her first kiss, made her rub her lips hard with disgust.

The sound of somebody was banging on the door made Wirata jump, recalled back her own problems, oh yes... the bad mafia was out there waiting to squeeze her neck!

Wirata kept quiet, locked herself in the locker room, till midnight. She decided to ring her mother.

"Wine? Where are you, honey? We are closing. I thought you were gone."

"I\'ve been in the washing room. Have all the customers gone, mom?" Wirata asked.

"Almost, baby."

"Uh ... Have the VIP guests gone?" She wanted to make sure.

"Who? ... Your boss? ...Yes, I saw him walk off a while ago. Are you going home with me or to your apartment?

"I\'m going to the apartment, mom, Tomorrow I have some washing to do and go to see Summer. Tomorrow night I\'ll go to stay with you."

"Alright, I\'ll see you then, baby."

"Okay, mom, love you. Bye."

Wirata sighed with relief, put the phone in her bag, grabbed the jacket and put it on, then sneaked out of the back door. Felt goosebumps all over all the way to the apartment. She was praying that no more madness happened for the rest of the night and the evil boss was not out there somewhere trying to catch her!


Stefan was standing at the bar in the penthouse, a thick glass had half of the whiskey in it. His attractive handsome face was unreadable. Ben and James stood at the corner, ready to go to bed, but they were waiting, in case their boss wanted something. The time was 1 a.m.

"Have you contacted John White yet?" Stefan asked.

"Yes, boss. Tomorrow afternoon, at his pub."

James answered. Stefan nodded and finished the whiskey.

"Good! You two can go to bed now."

Stefan said to his men. He\'s got a lot of thinking to do. It was about his debtor named \'John White\'. Stefan\'s informant just sent some information about this man. He\'s so addicted to gambling at the moment. It happened a lot in Las Vegas, nothing strange about that. The city was full of casinos. All sorts of gambling to allure men pulled them in the deep dark hole, and once you\'re down at the bottom, it\'s very hard to get up again.


The next day came. It was Saturday and was a day off for most people but...

In the VIP room at a luxury pub for wealthy customers in Las Vegas. Stefan sat crossing his legs, leaning against the sofa\'s back with a relaxed posture. His handsome face was emotionless. His dark blue eyes were calm at this moment. Two bodyguards stood behind him. In front of the master of money, there was a plump man, bald and his face was pale as paper. He was John White, the owner of this pub.

"Please give me a little more time, Stefan. I know I\'m late but I promise I\'ll give you all very soon."

The man pleaded. He was far behind for the payment.

"Last time when you promise, it was six months ago."

The calm voice said. The too calm voice of Stefan didn\'t make John feel any comfortable. People who in this circle; loans, gambling, creditors, debtors, trust, finance and everything in money business knew Stefan Mackenzie well. He was a powerful, big money source. He had got the reputation of being fair and straightforward, the TAKE NO SHIT written on his forehead. You could deal business with him, but had to keep your words, once you broke promises, you\'re finished. And John was in that stage at the moment.

"At the moment, my pub has a bit of a hick-up. Money hasn\'t been flowing smoothly like before, but I\'ll find the way to give you back your money and with all the interest as in the contract. I promise."

The voice of John White, the owner of this luxury pub continued. the sweat running through his temples down the side of his face, fear of the tall powerful young man in front of him. His sharp blue eye showed no emotions.

Stefan sighed if he heard another \'promise\' from John White\'s mouth he thought he would have enough. Stefan hated when people used the word \'promise\' as an excuse to get away from their troubles. He had no respect for this type.

"I do business, John, not a charity, and not that I didn\'t give you time. Last time you asked for six months and I gave you that, and you didn\'t keep your words. What can I say more."

Stefan looked at the old man, knew so well the reason why he hadn\'t had the check ready for him. It\'s not because this luxury pub business is not good... but it\'s because John had been eaten and slept at casinos, so much deep hole he fell in.

"Er ... I know. I\'m really sorry. I know you are a reasonable man, please give me... er, another week, please. "

John White begged. Stefan lifted his brow in a surprise gesture. The man had six months and couldn\'t find the money. How could he be able to find it in one week?!

"May I know where it will be from, John?" Stefan asked out of curiosity.

"I have talked to Bernardo Costa. We have a proposal ... only another week, please, Stefan. This time I am sure I\'ll be able to give you back all the money."

Stefan frowned when heard the name \'Bernardo Costa\', his number one enemy. John talked to Bernardo, that indicated that John had been playing in the bastard\'s casino.

"Okay... I\'ll give you another week. And this is your last call. If you can\'t, your pub will be taken as it was written in our agreement. Is that right, John?"

"Yes, yes. That\'s right, Stefan. Thank you, thanks so much, I won\'t let you down...I prom..."

"Don\'t!" Stefan stopped him before he said another \'promise\'. The tall figure walked off with the bodyguards followed behind.

John lifted his sleeve to wipe his temples, felt so relieved when the back of Stefan Mackenzie had disappeared. One week to extend his life further. If he went to the casino again tonight, he might be able to get all the money back. John thought in his heart with all the hope. According to the ghosts of gambling whispering in his mind.


Wirata got up at midday as plan, had a cup of coffee, finished the washing, took a shower, then gave her mother a call, telling her that she would go to help her again tonight. Later on, Wirata went to see Summer at the vet shop. Summer was her Yorkshire Terrier puppy, her beloved baby. He had got the flu, so Evelyn, the vet, suggested that he should be watched closely for this week.

Saturday night came, Wirata went to help her mother at the restaurant, the staff said there wasn\'t anybody named Stefan, James or Ben called to book a table. Wirata felt relief to know that. She had worked in the washing room all hours, then went home with her mother. Felt grateful to God that everything was fine, no one came to ruin her night. Thank heavens!

Her mother\'s and John\'s house was located outside the city. Wirata hadn\'t been here for so many months. Her bedroom remained the same, her mother always looked after it well.

They reached home at 1.30 a.m. which was her mother\'s usual time to get home. But the good thing was she could get up late.

Wirata kissed her mother on the cheek, said goodnight then went to her room. She took a shower and went to bed.

At three o\'clock, Wirata heard a car coming in. It was uncle John, her step-father. She hadn\'t seen him for ages because lately, he stayed in the room above the pub.

At nine o\'clock on Sunday morning. While Wirata was watering the flowers around the house. There were three cars cruising in. They stopped in front of the house. Wirata was at the side of the house and watched. All tall and big men got out, counted ten of them, The car which parked in the middle, a tall man which Wirata knew he\'s a bodyguard, he walked to the back door of the car and pulled open widely.

The tall, well-built figure stepped out. He looked powerful as she saw the bodyguards bowed to him. He wore a black shirt, black slacks. His face was tan, a nice-looking one. He was wearing sunglasses. Black hair cut short like a soldier. When he walked, the way the shirt and the pants were nicely fit on him, showing that his tall body was full of muscles, like people who took good care of their health.

Bernardo Costa was looking around this compound. Today he and John agreed to meet here. The debtor who had struggled to pay the money back. He had signed the contract to use this house to guarantee the payment.

Suddenly he saw an Asian woman. She stood watering flowers, wearing a blue T-shirt and short jeans. Long black hair, that sweet and beautiful face made him stare longer than he intended to. Nice pair of legs, more beautiful than the bikini model he just slept with last night.

"Bernardo. please come in."

John\'s voice greeted from the front porch. Bernardo turned his eyes from a beautiful woman to John. The debtor was still in pajamas, indicating that he had just woken up. Bernardo stepped on to the porch. His men were standing on the ground.

Bernardo sat on a chair. John poured a fine whiskey, handed it to him, but Bernardo refused.

"Who is that woman?"

Ask what was in his interest immediately without wasting time. John frowned a little bit with no understanding. When he returned to his bedroom this early morning, he fell asleep right away, so he didn\'t know which woman Bernardo was talking about. John followed Bernardo\'s eyes then saw Wirata was walking to the faucet to turn the water off.

"Ah. That\'s Wirata. My step-daughter."

John gave the answer. He saw the interest in Bernardo\'s eyes. the powerful mafia always liked beautiful women.

"Ah... I can talk to her if you\'re interested."

John said openly. In his mind, he was creating new hope. If Bernardo was interested in Wirata. He would get her to negotiate the payment.

Bernardo turned to look at the slender figure again, she was walking to the back of the garden.

"Ask her to have dinner with me at Firomina restaurant tonight at 7."

Bernardo said with a relaxed tone.

"Okay, I\'ll ask her first. If I can get her to have dinner with you, can you give me a little more time, like a week?"

John didn\'t let opportunity slipped out of his hands, he asked to make it clear with Bernardo.

"Ask her to have dinner with me first, and I will decide later."

Bernardo said smartly with a smile on his face.

John nodded, had hope in his eyes.

"This house looks nice."

Bernardo said, his eyes looked around, didn\'t fail to remind John about the contract, if he couldn\'t pay back, this house will be taken over by him. John\'s face turned pale.

"I\'ll give you a call when I have the answer about Wirata."

John said. Bernardo nodded and stood up, looked around, but didn\'t see that pretty woman anywhere.

Wirata watched the parade of cars drove out of the gate. That was Sin City for you. These influential godfathers could visit people\'s house any time they liked!

"Wine, do you have a minute?"

John asked when Wirata came into the living room. Wirata went to sit opposite to him. Her step-father looked tired and worn out because he overwhelmed with gambling.

Wirata recalled that many years ago when he just married her mother He wasn\'t like this. He used to be a nice Uncle John, who looked good and very kind to her. He\'s still a kind man, but he didn\'t look fit enough anymore.

"What is it, Uncle John?"

Wirata asked, seeing John had a glass of whiskey in his hand, he looked up at her.

"That man is Bernardo Costa, the owner of the Grand Costa casino."

John said. Wirata listened with full attention.

"He\'s asking if you could have dinner with him tonight. He\'s very rich."

The next sentence continued.

"If he is seriously interested in you, you will be comfortable all your life."

"Stop now! John! Don\'t mess with my daughter!"

The serious voice of Wilaiwan said loudly. She came into the room.

"I haven\'t done anything, just asking."

John said back with a frustrated voice.

"Don\'t want you to involve with Wine. You\'ve put yourself in troubles, I\'ve warned you so many times, and I\'ll warn you again that don\'t even think about it! Whatever you\'re thinking to do in your head right now!"

Wilaiwan said in a dark tone and was not afraid of her husband\'s angry face.

"It\'s just a dinner, Wilai. There is nothing more than that." He confirmed.

"You think I\'m stupid huh? Thinking that I don\'t know these mafias? I know too well what they want from women!"

"Okay, stop shouting. Listen to me!"

John battled his wife back, the way he had never done before. He loved her so much, never did anything to trouble her and try to make her happy. But this time he made mistakes, by deeply involved in gambles. And now he was about to lose his house and his pub, very soon.

"This house is going, you know? I am in debt, I\'m bad, Wilai, you can shout and scold at me if you want. But the truth is we are losing this house!

The tone was angry, frustrated and disappointed in himself. Wilaiwan and Wirata were shocked.

"I am addicted to gambling as you know. Used this house to guarantee some loans with Bernardo. I think I can play him back, but ... I am exhausted now, Wilai. I don\'t know what to do. I have nothing left. You can leave me if you want. I won\'t blame you at all."

John confessed and was crying when he finished. That made Wilaiwan quiet, she felt pity for him but got to make it clear to him too about Wirata. The mother had to protect her baby as always. She loved this house, been living here for so long, but she loved her daughter the most.

"Where does Bernardo want to have dinner, uncle John?"

Wirata inserted in with smooth tone, saw her mother\'s face was as pale as paper. Wirata knew in her heart how much she loved this house.

"At the Firomina, Italian restaurant in town If you go, he will send the car to pick you up."

"What will you get from the deal?"

The smooth voice asked again. Wirata knew there must be some kind of deals. She had learned that business people always made deals, everything was about negotiations to see what they can get.

"He will extend the payment time for me... for a week."

"Does it mean that you have to find money to pay him next week?"


John answered with a barren voice and fret. Saw the step-daughter sitting with a concentration in thinking and working something out in her head. John felt a bit better when she didn\'t shout at him like her mother.

"If you can\'t pay, he will seize this house, right?"


"It\'s okay, honey. We can go to live somewhere else. "

Wilaiwan said with a strong voice, stood her ground that she didn\'t want her daughter to involve with John\'s personal matters.

"You call and tell him that if I join him tonight, he will give you a one-month extension. If he agrees, I\'ll have dinner with him." Wirata said.

John lifted up his eyes and looked at Wirata, with hope in his face, he nodded and picked up the phone immediately, press the button that minute. Then he was talking to the man.

"Bernardo wants to talk to you."

John said and handed the phone to Wirata. She took it, put it close to her ear.

"Hello. It\'s Wirata." She said.

"You are very brave to negotiate with me. But I like smart women. So I will send the car to pick you up at six o\'clock if that\'s okay with you."

Bernardo said with a smooth relaxed voice.


Wirata replied.


At the Italian restaurant, Firomina in the city center.

Wirata stepped out of the car that Bernardo sent to pick her up. She followed the bodyguard into the high-end restaurant. Bernardo was waiting in there. The slender figure was wearing plain black evening dress at knee length, letting her silky hair down naturally, her lips were nude, no color added on her face, but the natural beauty was striking and caught men\'s eyes, they turned to look at her when she walked past.

Bernardo stood up when seeing that his bodyguard was leading a woman this way. He lifted his lips and gave her a smile with satisfaction. The slender figure walked with confidence. She did not show any signs of nervousness. Bernardo thought that for once, he had found a woman who didn\'t wear brand names but looked so beautiful in just a plain black dress.

At the same time, Stefan was walking into this place as well, with a French model he knew from the party last night. The tall with an impressive amount of tough testosterone was wearing an expensive suit, looked so handsome from head to toes.

Stefan stopped dead right at the door when he saw the back of a woman who was walking to Bernardo\'s table. His number one enemy!

The slender figure which Stefan remembered very well even when he closed his eyes!


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