
Chapter 45 - The First Night (2)

The smell of the shampoo from his short hair and the nice smell of soap told her that he had a shower already. She saw a large rain shower near the swimming pool, so she guessed he took a proper shower from there after swimming.

Wirata nearly screamed when he threw her onto the bed. She rolled, then seeing he was going to jump on top of her she put her knee up to protect herself immediately.

"Ouch! Fuck!" Stefan cursed, the pain shot up from his groin because he jumped on top her hard knee.

Wirata was satisfied, she didn\'t feel sorry for him. What did he think of himself? Leaping and jumping on top of her like that. She would be flat out with his weight and his big strong body. He probably liked to think that he was a tiger jumping on his unfortunate victim!

"You really are a psychopath, hurt me and happy!" He moaned with the scowled face, pressing his heavy body on hers to sink her into the mattress.

Wirata gasped and blinked when heard what he said.

"Me? A psychopath?" She repeated with unbelievable expression in her eyes. Stefan looked at the pretty face close to his face, a corner of his mouth lifted and he narrowed his eyes.

"Yeah. You like hitting me and it hurts, you know? I\'m not a sandbag."

He said, the pain didn\'t stay for long and he was feeling comfortable lying on top of her soft body.

He liked her scent. She used his soap and shampoo but somehow when he sniffed on her skin, the smell was different from his. He wasn\'t a man who liked sniffing at a woman. When it came to the bed business, he just went straight into it and finished when it fulfilled his need. Stefan didn\'t like snuggling and clinging on any woman he had slept with.

He kept sniffing and later, came to realize that it was her own natural sweet scent. She tried to push his face away but he didn\'t let her do it easily and in the end, she stopped because she couldn\'t win. Stefan was pleased when she lied still only her eyes moved and her face was grumpy.

"Don\'t you jump on me like that again, Stefan. How many times do I have to tell you? I don\'t like it!"

"Why are you nagging? I have to use this strength with you because you are not staying still. If you want me to be gentle you have to be gentle to me first. "

Stefan said. Wirata blinked rapidly, couldn\'t believe her ears. This man must have been brought up in the wrong way.

"What?! You must have born out of this world, haven\'t you heard the word GENTLEMAN?! And LADY FIRST?!"

She shouted. Stefan liked to look at her face, the way her emotions kept changing. Her skin got red and flushed and her lips were moving beautifully when she was nagging at him. But he had never seen her laughter yet.

"Okay. Lady first, I like the sound of it. So now let\'s start our business. "

"What business and could you get off me? I can\'t breathe!"

Wirata said and tried to push his heavy body off hers.

"Have you got Alzheimer? The business of being my woman for one year. It means serving me in bed, having sex with me. That\'s your duty." He made it so clear. Wirata blushed. She knew her fate and had already made the decision. But she wanted to talk to him to make everything clear first.

"But we haven\'t talked and made the proper contract yet and we should sort that out first before I start to do my duty. Since you are a businessman, you should know how to do a proper deal. How much salary would it be for a one-year contract."

Wirata said to sidetrack him, she wanted to delay the task to the later. Even she knew she had to do it but, not now, if God listened to her pray.

Stefan narrowed his eyes. Now she was talking about her price, money always won. He had never been wrong about women. They all did have their own price and the digits in their head, and she was included. She tried to make him think that she was different than others. But looked now, she had just proved to him that, he had been right all along.

"It will be soon enough, for a contract in writing, don\'t you worry I would forget. But tonight I want action, not words, and I am tired of talking now." Stefan said and bent down to kiss her cheek.

"But I am tired. I\'ve just arrived and cooked for you. It\'s midnight now. We should sleep and then we\'ll talk tomorrow." Wirata said and staring at his face. She must admit that his face was striking, if he was a model or movie star, he would be a heartthrob one.

But only good looks alone wouldn\'t strike her. The man who could own her heart, hold her love and earn her respect must be a good-hearted, kind, gentle and unselfish person. She did have a long list for a man who would be her dream. But definitely not this evil mad mafia, that\'s for sure.

Stefan looked at the woman. She complained she was tired, he sighed. Looking at her pretty face, he saw her eyes were saying...please...

Hang on a minute! She never said PLEASE to him!

"Ask me nicely, I might let you off for tonight."

He said. His voice was a little softer this time. He put his face at the crook of her neck. She lied still didn\'t push him. Stefan let her sweet scent roaming his mind in relaxing posture.

He was thinking that she didn\'t move much now because he was putting his weight on her and it might make her not be able to breathe properly, not enough oxygen to the brain, that could slow her thinking process down as well. That\'s a good plan if she was thinking slow, wasn\'t it?

Stefan sighed again and decided to move his body off hers. He lied next to her, put his arm on her waist and pulled her close. His face was snaggling on her soft shoulder.

"Let\'s sleep. " Wirata said in her soft tone which she never used with him before.

"Say...please, too" He bargained for more. Liked the soft tone of her voice. He didn\'t understand why she had to shout at him all the time. He preferred her soft tone, just like this one.

Nobody shouted at him like her. They all spoked to him with respect. Only Stefan that could shout at others. He had the right to do so because he was the boss and he paid everybody and put the roof over their heads. He only shouted when they were doing wrong and stupid, that\'s all.

"Let\'s sleep, please. " Wirata didn\'t hesitate to say it out. She had to be smart in every step with this man. Sometimes to attack when the opportunity came, sometimes she had to give him an inch and sometimes, she might have to step back a little. That way, she might have the chance to win the battle in the long term.

"But you have to kiss me goodnight." Stefan was in the teasing mood. Feeling pleased to gain pleasure from her bowing. He would make her surrender to him, that\'s his long term plan. She came to him with all her arrogance and stubbornness to make his head aching. She would have to pay for that.

Wirata sighed. He didn\'t make things easy for anybody. That was him. Especially, the person who didn\'t let him win or bully easily.

"Okay. " Wirata said and kissed him on his cheek. He shook his head.

"Not there. On my mouth." He ordered. his face leaned over hers. Wirata lifted hers to meet him and gave him a peck on his mouth.

"That\'s not kissing. I\'ll show you how." He said softly, his voice was gentle more than he intended to. Then he bent down and put his mouth on hers.

The kiss was light and gentle. Wirata\'s heart was pounding fast. Before she put a stop on it. He inserted his tongue in and flicked her tongue gently. She held her breath and when he sucked her tongue she grabbed his shoulders. Stefan kissed her until his body got hard and his lust was flying up very quick. His body was hot and he wanted more.

"Goodnight. " The trembling voice hurriedly said when he finally let her mouth free. She closed her eyes immediately. Stefan was hot and amused at the same time. She was so natural and innocent in her own way, the way he couldn\'t explain. The way it made his body ached and yearned for her.

"Alright. I will move forward tonight\'s shift to tomorrow, so tomorrow night you will have to pay double and it will be a long night."

He whispered in her ears, couldn\'t help to send his tongue in and lick it. She jerked up and opened her eyes. Stefan laughed softly in his throat and gathered her in his arm, put his chin on her head.

"Go to sleep. Give you 10 minutes to fall asleep. and if you can\'t, I will make love to you."

He said. Wirata gasped when she heard his statement and she hurried to close her eyes.

"I\'m sleeping now." She told him.

"Shut up. I\'ll check you up in ten minutes, don\'t worry. I do have a special way to check if you are a naughty girl or not."

He said with a wily tone and a crafty smile.

Wirata\'s heart sped up immediately.

Was tonight going to end or not, and to end where?

She hadn\'t had a clue at all with this crazy man.

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