
Chapter 248 - First Group Of Soldiers In The Tribe

In the military barracks, all the slaves were standing at attention in front of Einar, who was dressed like them, with the only difference that he had a white bearskin cape.

"Everyone has worked hard during these two months and three weeks, that\'s why their training has come to an end.

From now on, you are all common soldiers; you are no longer considered slaves, but you are not yet free.

You have to demonstrate for two years that you have the ability to defend their nation so that you are free and can proudly say that you are true soldiers.

Because you are soldiers, you will receive a weekly salary of one silver coin and your families will receive benefits so that you can improve your situation.

When the two years have passed, you will have the right to have a home on the island and your pay will be 8 silver coins per month with all the benefits of being a citizen.

Alpha Team, your development was excellent throughout the training so I wish that from now on you will be in charge of training the next group of slaves.

Which will be made up of 300 troops, who will have to receive the same training as you. I want you to turn that garbage into true men and women capable of caring for everyone. 

You will be supervised by me and my wife Laisa, to avoid situations of rape. Anyone who abuses a woman will be executed immediately.

I hope it is clear what I am saying, soldiers. "

The Alpha team, doing the military salute, shouted in unison, "Herald Einar your orders will be carried out."

Einar gave them a look of pride "Now you can retire, you will have three days of vacation."

After this, with pride, the Alpha team gave a military salute and withdrew to the barracks to be able to spend time with their families.

"Team Beta, during your training, proved to be the best of all teams.

You have a coordination that is enviable in many ways, that is why you will receive special forces training.

You will be taking the course with me and my wife Laisa. It will last 5 months where you will learn to be an elite unit.

You will be known as the Guardians of Iceland, you will learn how to assassinate and move in the dark, you will be under my command as a specialized defense unit.

You will be the ones who destroy the enemy leader, infiltrate places like sewers to open the doors of enemy cities.

No one will know of their existence among the enemies because all who see them will be killed.

You have three days of vacation, enjoy it because your training will make you the spearhead of the army. "

The entire Beta team gave a military salute and went to the barracks to get their things.

"Team Gamma, in this training you did well but unlike all the others you showed a better discipline capacity than the others. 

So you will be the first members of the military police, you will receive a special 3-month training in which you will learn to enforce military rules.

Power corrupts but if you dare to abuse the power you will have, you will be punished with lashes and will be sent to work in the center of the island where you will only find ice and snow. 

I hope you understand the importance of your new unit being founded. "

The Gamma team in unison shouted, "We will respect the uniform and the flag, Herald Einar.

We will take care of the unit you just founded and put up the army."

Einar nodded, "You can retire, you have three days of vacation."

The entire Gamma team saluted and withdrew, leaving only Team Delta and Epsilon.

Einar looked at the two teams seriously "You are the only ones who agreed to leave your religion behind and embrace the Nordic religion.

Not only that, but you have also demonstrated your ability to supervise your colleagues without them realizing it.

All of you will be the members of the Eye of Odin organization, you will receive physical and mental training.

Of all the recruits, your mission will be the most important, you are the eyes of the nation.

You must take care of the slaves to supervise that they do not try to harm our land. Any act of revolt or treason must be reported.

If a slave tries to form a group of rebels, I want to know his name, what clothes he has and how many famili\'s member he has.

Unlike the special forces you must kill from the shadows, not only that, you must supervise all movements on the island.

If any stranger ever sets foot on our sacred land, I want you to know.

Your only function will be to take care of the nation and the imperial family. You will always inform me about anything.

Also in the future I will create the organization called, the sword of Odin, whose sole function will be to take care of all the movements of enemy nations.

You must prevent them from getting involved within our nation and they will prevent you from getting involved abroad.

Unlike your companions, you will only have 2 more vacation days, however, your families will be relocated to a district near the Palace that I am building.

That means that your families will have a home of their own. You must remember that everything we talk about or what you investigate must be a state secret.

If anyone violates this sacred rule, you will be killed at the moment without a trial because their betrayal puts our nation at risk.

What is the mission of Odin\'s eye? "

Team Delta and Epsilon gave a military salute and responded in unison "Safeguard the nation and protect the imperial family."

Einar nodded "In your training you will have to learn all the languages ​​of the slaves, not only that but you will speak Latin and Arabic.

You will become polyglot people. Mandatory, I hope it was clear, now enjoy your two days of vacation. "

The two teams gave a military salute and withdrew, as Einar looked at them with a smile.

\'Planning from this moment on two separate intelligence agencies will be the best move. The last thing I wish is for them to have a lot of power and become a rogue agency.

That it cannot be controlled and whose power can be enough to destroy our nation.

Should I wait for more slaves so I can create the imperial guard or should I start a secret service to take care of my family? \'

Einar closed his eyes and held his nasal septum \'Whatever my decision, I need people who are extremely loyal to the concept of the imperial family.

For safety, none of my descendants should be able to alter the operation of that organization to prevent it from being used against the same family.

I suppose it will be three separate intelligence organizations, which take care of each other while maintaining a balanced control.

I wish it were as simple as founding an organization and stop worrying, but if I don\'t plan things right, my family will end up tragically.

How the different Roman emperors who were put and removed by the Praetorian guard, how complicated it is to know about history.

Well, from what I learn that all things were done with good intentions and were not planned, they end up destroying their creators\'

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