
Chapter 418 - A One-sided Massacre

Einar besieged the city in just minutes, so his troops prepared to face any enemy.

At that time, Einar ordered the wooden towers to be assembled so that the snipers would position themselves to kill the enemies on the walls.

As they did so, the enemy soldiers on the walls looked quite curious at the Nordic army because they did not know what they were doing or which side they belonged to.

After a few hours outside the walls, there were 30 sniper towers which could have 3 snipers, which had protections to prevent archers from firing at them.

After this, Einar fortified in a simple way the outer and inner area of ​​the siege camp.

"Remember to finish building all the defenses because we will be at this place for at least 5 days, so we must have the capacity to defend ourselves during that time. I also want to know how the construction of the ballistas and onagers are progressing."

Ansgar, who was in charge of supervising the army, gave a military salute to Einar "The ballistas will be ready tomorrow and the onagers will be assembled in two days, I would like to tell you, herald Einar, that things will be faster.

But unfortunately we have to take the time to check if they are assembled correctly, but with Ibssen\'s help things can progress smoothly. "

Einar smiled and looked approvingly at Ansgar. "Good thing I brought you for the expedition with Ibssen, but what do you think about that city in front of us?"

Ansgar stroked his chin. "I think it is a waste of resources, as the stone walls are very small and they did not even use large blocks. They will be easily destroyed with our giant dynamite arrows.

Although I wish I could see the effect of chlorine gas, as I believe it will be powerful enough to create fear in our enemies. "

Einar took a deep breath. "You may just see death in the worst possible way, but it will depend on King Dunchan\'s response, if he refuses to surrender peacefully and wants to hold on to the defense.

We will use chlorine gas to be able to kill them. "     

In the castle, King Dunchad was quite nervous because he had felt a chill and also because the enemy had not even shown up and he did not know what was the functionality of the towers built outside. 

"Some of you know who is the person who is attacking us, simply from what I could see from my room. I am sure it is an army greater than 10,000 soldiers. All of them are well fed and also armed.

Nobody on this island has that kind of power because nobody would allow it. Even the pagan kingdom of Ireland doesn\'t have that power. "

The town priest stroked his beard. "Perhaps it is the Konungar Einar. If I can remember correctly, he promised to take revenge on the Christian world for the crusade against him and for the death of his wife."

Dunchad clutched his head in fear. "You\'re telling me that the bloody heathen who defeated a fleet of thousands with only 300 ships is besieging us? I think we should surrender.

Maybe we could get forgiveness from him ... "

The priest hit the table. "You are crazy. You know that if the high pontiff in Rome finds out you will be excommunicated, not only that but you will also not have a place in heaven.

Better try to resist the siege with all your strength, recruit all the men of the city to fight against the enemy, in the end God our lord will give you the advantage, I know it because the power of the church is superior to any pagan .

Now we must all pray to ensure that we can win the war against those pagans. "

Everyone with no other choice began to pray throughout the night.

The next day, everyone in the castle and town was awakened at 6 in the morning when the soldiers of the Nordic army played their national anthem while some flags of the Nordic nation flew into the camp.

This surprised everyone because they did not understand the strange song, however it left a psychological mark on all of them because they could feel the power of those words that were heard in unison.

Hearing this, the priest forced everyone to pray aloud because he feared that the pagan words would affect the morale of the defenders, but even in spite of that their voices were barely heard because the Nordic national anthem prevailed.

After finishing telling it, Einar stood on a platform and, taking advantage of the silence used an iron megaphone to speak in Latin "King Dunchad I am the king of the Norse and fulfilling my words.

I came to take revenge on Christians who believe in the words of the corrupt church which has deformed religion to establish dominion over people while conditioning entry to heaven or hell.

When the truth is that our actions define where we will end up, that is why I will give you the opportunity to deliver the city, if by the end of the day you have not left tomorrow I will let the breath of God fall on you.

A weapon given to me by his divine hand, to punish the corruption of Rome and of all those who support her in her work to sell salvation. "

After those words, Einar only waited, because he knew that they would not surrender, because he could see in the distance using his spyglass as a priest shouted at the enemy soldiers on the walls.

"It is a real shame but it will be the first time chlorine gas has been used in a war but it will not be the last time it will be used."

When night came, Einar couldn\'t see anyone leaving, so he simply shook his head and decided to attack on the morning of the next day.

In the morning after the next day, Einar stood on the wooden platform and, using his megaphone recited the Pater Noster1.

"Pater noster, qui es in caelis:

sanctificetur Nomen Tuum;

adveniat Regnum Tuum;

fiat voluntas Tua,

sicut in caelo, et in terra.

Panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie;

et dimitte nobis debita nostra,

sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris;

et ne nos inducas in tentationem;

sed libera nos a Malo."

All the Christian soldiers in Einar\'s army raised crosses, and at that time the Nordic soldiers threw hundreds of flasks of yellow vapor over the city.

The glass jars began to fall inside the city and the castle releasing a yellow mist, which began to slowly spread through the city.

Some civilians who were nearby screamed in pain and shortness of breath, scenes like that were repeated throughout the city.

The priest tried to calm the masses but when some glass jars fell where he was; he had difficulty breathing and, like the rest of the people he screamed as he fell on the ground.

This created chaos in the city, so the civilians started running to the gates but the soldiers stopped them, so there began to be conflicts between all of them.

Einar, for his part just watched as the city and the castle were set on fire by the chaos created, so he simply sighed to be able to repeat a phrase of an eminent physicist.

"Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds ..." 

The Lord\'s Prayer

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