
Chapter 440 - Entering The Kingdom Of Ui Maine

A week later, the entire army was fully prepared. They had skis and sleds to advance and the entire kingdom of Thomond had already been pacified.

So it was quite safe to enter the kingdom of Ui Maine. That is why Einar set out with his army towards the border, as his first area of ​​conquest was the Barony of Athenry.

A place that the Celts of Kincora knew very well, so the path inside it would be quite fast.

Einar who was on a sled that was being pushed by a horse looked at the deer that was sleeping on the back of the sled.

The deer was sleeping quite peacefully, so Einar just sighed and kept looking at the road in front of him.

"Are we on the right track Dreide?"

Dreide who was next to Einar nodded "We are close to the border, at this time of year it is very difficult to see border guards because of the weather it is impossible for them to survive.

Although with your presence it is very likely that they have prepared some guards to be able to report your arrival, but because of the snow I believe that no person has been able to report the capitulation of the kingdom of Thomond. "

Einar smiled and looked curiously at Dreide. "I\'m surprised you were able to deduce all that."

Dreide only showed a face full of confidence. "It was not easy, but I think I have been learning very well about how to interpret the information.

I think it is because of the good teacher that I have. "

Einar laughed and patted Dreide on the shoulder. "I think you\'re exaggerating a bit. I just led the way, but you are the one following it.

If in the end you didn\'t do your part to simply learn none of this would have been possible ... "

Einar frowned at the signs of one of the soldiers ahead of him, so with the reins of the horse he began to slow down.

When he came to a complete stop, he looked at the soldiers who saluted him with a military salute. "Konungar Einar, we have to report that we have destroyed three outposts of the army of the kingdom of Ui Maine.

We have caught a few enemy soldiers who have informed us that it appears that the kingdom was planning an attack on the kingdom of Thomond.

However, the arrival of winter prevented them from carrying out the attack, so some outposts were built around the border so that in spring they could serve as a spearhead. "

Einar, hearing that sighed, "Inform all the soldiers of the vanguard to seek and eliminate those vanguard positions.

I will send some soldiers and I will put Ansgar in command to support you, so you must not initiate attacks unless you are certain that you will win.

Meanwhile, we will camp in this place. Remember to be quick and under no circumstances, leave survivors. You must eliminate everything around you. "

The forward soldier saluted and withdrew, so Einar got off the sled to start organizing the construction of the camp.

At night, Ansgar set out with 4000 soldiers to assist with the extermination of the border posts. The soldiers were carrying their snow skis, so they advanced rapidly through the frozen marsh area.

Upon arriving at the meeting place, Ansgar learned that there were 20 outposts, which had not been destroyed due to not having enough troops to ensure that they were finished quickly.

Ansgar then divided the army into groups, which would begin by destroying the first 10 closest guard posts in order to go through the other guard posts later.

The army was divided, and they began with the attack at night. Ansgar had had to attack a vanguard post in the north.

When he arrived at the outpost, he realized that he was covered by only a wooden palisade of no more than 1 meter.

Inside there appeared to be about 60 tents and there were only about 10 guards guarding.

Ansgar, at that moment, gave the order to his troops to separate and surround the outpost in all places.

Advancing under the darkness of the night they were able to reach where the guards were and, using their crossbows they quickly ended their lives.

Upon entering the outpost, they began a massacre in the tents because they did not want to risk the enemy soldiers realizing they were under attack.

In just a matter of minutes, they managed to annihilate the enemy troops, so Ansgar finished the cleaning of that place and they went to the next objective.

They only took a few minutes to arrive, but when they did, they realized that there were more guards watching, but despite that they did the same strategy.

They killed the guards silently, but when they entered the outpost, they found that there were many enemy soldiers awake.

So they quickly held up their crossbows and, covering themselves with the wooden palisade they began to shoot at the enemy soldiers.

Although they lost the surprise factor, they had the initiative in the attack, so in a matter of minutes they managed to completely exterminate the vast majority of the enemy soldiers that were there.

Which ended up taking refuge in the tents in the center of the camp where they were able to organize shields to protect themselves.

Unfortunately, they never thought that the enemy soldiers would use explosive bolts, so when the bolts exploded in their shields they could only scream as their arms were destroyed.

After this, the enemy soldiers who were still alive simply gathered because they did not think to continue fighting since it was not worth dying.

These confrontations were repeating all night until finally the soldiers managed to erase the vanguard positions.

So they all returned to the camp in the early morning and were able to take a well-deserved rest after another day of rest.

The army crossed the border and officially entered the kingdom of Ui Mane, with the intention of going to the Barony of Athenry, where they planned to completely eliminate the resistance before advancing towards the city of Cruachu.

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