
Chapter 121 - Komoerus

Yoichi sensed that small amount of the dragon\'s power in his body. It was as if Kenji\'s flames flowed into his veins in the form of pure energy.

The scales of his arms raised slightly, leaving to the fire more oxygen to burn. When the young tamer opened his eyes, the flaming glow created by his arms illuminated the four walls of the large room, revealing all the wild demons. ​​

Dozens and dozens of Komoerus fluttered around him, following geometric and regular trajectories. Frightened by the burning flames of their unexpected enemy, the bat demons screeched strongly, generating incredible chaos.

"They are activating their skills! Cover your ears!" Enatsu shouted, remembering the Komoerus\' demonic power.

Shioko obeyed immediately and shut her ears, trying to resist that chilling sound, similar to two metal plates crawling over each other.

In the middle of the room, Yoichi approached one of his burning hands to his face. The intense heat of the fire wrapped him, suddenly increasing his body temperature. As we tried to gain time to figure out his next move, the tympans of his ears began to hurt, no longer being able to distinguish other sounds beyond the screech of enemy demons.

"Fuck this! My ears are about to explode! That\'s the last thing I need, how do I do it now?! How can I be sure I won\'t die devoured by my own flames?" the young tamer thought hastily, looking at the palms of his gigantic hands.

"Screek!" Kenji shouted from his back, drawing his attention. The little dragon took shelter inside its tail, sticking its head under it and trying to resist that deafening sound.

"Yoichi! Your ears! Cover your ears!" Enatsu yelled again. His partner would not last long, and the screech generated by the Komoerus could have caused him permanent damage.

Under the incredulous eyes of Enatsu and Shioko, still lying on the ground a few meters from him, Yoichi closed his eyes and laid his flaming hands on his ears.

"No!" Shioko gulped, fearing the worst. At that instant, the gruff character of the red-haired girl suddenly disappeared, replaced by the fear of losing such a valiant comrade and loyal friend.

The dragon flames enveloped the young tamer\'s head: his hair and the rest of his face disappeared in that blaze, which extended about a meter in height.

"Yoichiii!" Enatsu screamed, running awat from his shelter and heading towards his companion. Panicking, the merchant was hit by a Komoeru on his shoulder and then again, on his leg.

Resisting the blows of his enemies, he continued to run in Yoichi\'s direction, hoping to still be in time to save his life.

Suddenly, a gust of wind hit the flock of bats, slamming many of them against the wall. Nobu, immune to their skill and ultrasound, unleashed its attack on them, forcing them to stop the screeching.

Enatsu stumbled and fell to the ground, his right knee full of blood. Shioko got up, rolling in front of him and hitting two swooping Komoerus with her light arrows.

"Hey, are you okay?" the archer asked, pulling another arrow out of the magic quiver. "I... I... yes. Yoichi? Yoichi!" Enatsu stammered, straightening an arm towards his companion.

Just then, Yoichi\'s hands distanced detached from his face. The flame pulverized the lace on his head, but his long blonde hair gently fell over his shoulders, intact.

The eyes, the eyebrows, the lips, the cheeks: everything was in perfect order as if nothing had happened. The dragon fire, capable of burning and melting almost everything, did not affect its creator.

"What?! I can\'t believe it! He\'s fucking fine!" Enatsu gasped, his arm still stretched out towards Yoichi. The merchant opened his eyes wide, failing to hold back his astonishment.

"I\'m... I\'m safe... fire cannot burn me!" the young tamer thought out loud, continuing to look at his hands and arms, still wrapped in flames. From the deltoid muscles to the tip of the claws, the fire burned intensely, instilling in Yoichi\'s body an incredible feeling of power.

"What the f..." Shioko stammered. The archer stopped for a few seconds to stretch the rope of the bow, and the luminous arrow resting on it vanished into thin air.

Yoichi made sure his Oracle was fine and, before his teammates could add anything else, took a step further. His arms opened downwards.

The Komoerus screeching continued to rumble between the rock walls of the mine, mixing with the sound of the mud dripping from the ceiling. Thanks to Yoichi\'s magical flames, combined with the light of Nobu, the cave was now fully visible, and the bat demons could no longer take advantage of the element of surprise.

"C\'mon, bring it on! Aaargh!" he shouted, bending his legs and inciting his enemies to attack him. The Komoerus flew in all directions, trying to distract him.

"Go away from there!" Yoichi repeated, cautiously opening his arms, raising them outwards. "What? And where should we go? You... how are you going to do it alone?" Enatsu stammered, standing beside Shioko.

"Move!" the young tamer screamed. As soon as he raised the tone of his voice, the intensity of the flames on his arms increased for a few seconds, as if following his state of agitation.

"Yes, yes! All right!" the merchant trembled, running towards the entrance to the tunnel. Shioko stepped back, continuing to look at her companion: the flames that enveloped his upper limbs were as strong as his anger. Although she had never witnessed such power, she quickly realized that Yoichi\'s emotions played a crucial role during that process.

Avoiding contesting his words, Shioko approached Enatsu, leaving Yoichi alone in the centre of the room. The young warrior\'s arms reached shoulder height. His hands open outwards, and his back straightened.

Five Komoerus, diverting from their geometric trajectories, launched an attack, flying towards Yoichi from different directions. Some of them attacked from above, swooping from the vaults of the cave; others attacked from below, flying a few inches away from the ground.

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