
Chapter 245 - Devil's Oath

"Thanks for coming here on such short notice." Andrex smiled sinisterly as he welcomed the guest he had been waiting for so long. 

"It\'s fine as long as you pay up." The man remained indifferent to Andrex\'s attempts to please him. 


Andrex was obviously licking his ass because he was the only one who could help him solve his... little problem. But he wasn\'t going to anything about it. He just came to hear him out. 

"Haha, you\'re as ambitious as ever I see..." Andrex let out the fakest laugh in the history of mankind.

But upon seeing that his guest wasn\'t pleased by him he quickly calmed himself down and invited the guest to sit down. While Andrex got a bottle of liquor which he only brought out on special occasions. It was a 21 years old premium scotch. Something his father gave him on his wedding day... The day he married the vile woman who ended up betraying his trust along with her marital vows. 

\'This is not time to think about that witch. I need to focus!\' Andrex thought and poured the liquor in two glasses before handing one to the guest. 

Both of them merrily drank the liquid before talking about Andrex\'s request. 

"Mister Luke, please you\'re the only person that can help me now!" Andrex tongue was no longer in his control... Just after one drink. 

"That\'s why I\'m here, but first, you need to tell me what do you want me to do?" Luke replied while pouring himself another drink. 

"I want you to destroy that fcking black family!" Andrex yelled out loud. 

Luke was stunned. This idiot was going to get him killed! Destroy the most influential and strong family in America? Was this guy out of his mind?

Luke had his suspicions that this idiot would ask something like that and that\'s why he was fully prepared to decline Andrex\'s request. He had flown over from Mexico just to decline his request in person and make a few bucks along the way.

Andrex was rich, very rich, No matter how much money Andrex was willing to give him, nothing was more important to Luke than his life! 

"I\'m sorry mister Andrex, but I\'m afraid this is a job I can\'t accept. No matter how much you\'re willing to compensate me." Saying that Luke got up to leave. 

Andrex had a pained expression on his face. Words came out of Luke\'s mouth like daggers. Initially, Andrex thought since Luke had enmity with the Blacks, he\'d be willing to help him out for money. But alas! He couldn\'t be more wrong. Luke didn\'t want to invoke the Blacks wrath on him again. Last time they were willing to leave him alive on one condition: Not to ever come back to America. He had already violated the \'treaty\' by visiting him in America

Without Luke\'s help, his plan wouldn\'t even make it out of its first phase! He has to get Luke onboard with the plan no matter what. Fortunately, he knew exactly which buttons he required to push. 

"Don\'t tell me... Even after what they did, you\'re still scared of those filthy bastards?" Andrex sniggered. He could still use his head despite being intoxicated. 

"What did you say?" Luke glared at Andrex with murderous intent yet Andrex was unphased by it. He knew now was the time to keep pushing. Remembering a saying of the old, \'Hammer the iron while it\'s hot.\' 

"You tried to take revenge for your fallen brother and what did you get? Humiliation, furthermore you were deported! Was it fair to you? I thought you were cunning but looks like you\'re just another scaredy-cat." Andrex shook his head in disappointment while pouring another drink, "Your brother would be so disappointed in you. Tsk tsk tsk."

"You got a death wish, you filth?" Luke knocked the liquor out of Andrex\'s hands and grabbed him by the collar pulling him up, "No pot-bellied needle dick prick, would dishonour my brother."

Despite the dangerous aura Luke had been emanating, Andrex kept smiling. He knew Luke would relent at any moment now. 

\'A little more. Just a little bit more.\' Andrex thought and smiled internally. 

"I\'m dishonouring your brother? Don\'t make me laugh! You\'re the one who couldn\'t avenge him and yet I\'m the dishonourable one? How deluded can you be, Luke?"

"Stop... I\'m telling you. If you want to remain alive, then STOP!" Luke\'s hands were shaking with rage. 

He didn\'t want to unearth his buried feelings. Yet he knew whatever Andrex was saying was true. He had failed his brother. He had failed his brother\'s guildmates. He had failed himself. 

"I WILL NOT STOP! EL DESERVED A BETTER END AND YOU KNOW IT!" Andrex bellowed, pushing Luke off him, "They killed EL, no... They murdered him. Murdered hundreds in cold blood and you say I\'m dishonouring them and their memories? Listen to me, Luke. Fate is giving you another chance through me. Last time you weren\'t prepared. You didn\'t have anyone to back you up or support you. But this time, I\'m here to help you. Together, we can take them down once and for all! Just think, Luke. Think about EL."

Luke finally broke down. The guilt he had been suppressing for years came rushing back. He went through a multitude of emotions - denial, sadness, hate and then rage. He wasn\'t going to run anymore. He couldn\'t take revenge on the Blacks alone but with Andrex backing him up, he could finally serve justice to the filthy Blacks... 

"Tell me." Luke mumbled, "What\'s your plan?"

Sometimes Andrex\'s wit scared himself. He was definitely going to hell for what he was planning but going through with his plan would make the rest of his days on earth peaceful. Once the Blacks were out of the picture, he\'d rule over America. But before all that, he needed to ensure that Luke\'s allegiance was with him. 

"Oh, I will do that, Luke. But first..." Andrex pulled out a small knife from his back. 

The knife was beautifully ornamented. Its golden handle was studded with a giant ruby while some ancient scriptures were written all over the blade. Luke could tell exactly what the knife was. 

\'Devil\'s knife...\' He thought. 

It was a special magical knife and was said to have been originated from Egypt. Amenhotep 1, had had this knife forged to ensure that his court stayed loyal to him. He made them take the devil\'s oath, which was also known as the blood oath. While taking the oath, both parties had to cut their palms with the knife and shake hands while swearing loyalty to each other or a common goal. Failing to fulfil the oath meant certain death. Once both the parties had taken the oath, their lives were bounded with each other until their goal was met. 

The look on Luke\'s face told Andrex that he knew about the legend. He could no longer trick him into slavery. Still, he could use him to get rid of the blacks nonetheless. 

"I assume you know what I\'m trying to do." Andrex mumbled, "Going against the Blacks is suicidal and I don\'t want either of us to snap under the pressure and snitch. I hope you understand."

Luke nodded and took the knife from Andrex. He knew what he had to do. It was the only way to avenge EL, to gain allies and strike hard. 

Without a moment\'s hesitation, Luke stabbed his hand and blood gushed out of the wound. The knife absorbed the blood. Soon the ruby on the handle started glowing like the evening star. Andrex took the knife next and did the same thing. The ruby started glowing again. The next step was to forge the pact. 

Andrex extended his bloodied hand to Luke, who graciously shook it. At that moment, the ruby started glowing for the last time as both Andrex and Luke simultaneously mumbled something. 

"May my blood flow through yours," Andrex muttered. 

"And mine in yours." Luke completed the phrase.

"Till we destroy the demons,"

"Who have been tormenting us for so long."

"Turn the days dark,"

"And fire to ice."

"Till we fulfil the oath,"

"Under devil\'s guise."

The next moment, the ruby inside the knife cracked. A blood oath had been formed. A new disaster waited for the Blacks. One they\'ll never recover from. 


Back at Nina\'s apartment... 

Arnold pushed aside the curtains and the sun, kissed the most beautiful women he had known in his life. Nina was still asleep and Arnold didn\'t blame her for it. Last night was pretty wild, especially after he told her he wanted to talk to Nicole and sort things out. After spending days inside his domain, Arnold had an urge to meet Nina. That\'s why he was back at her place as soon as he was done working. 

Arnold pulled a chair and sat right next to her. Admiring her beauty. She was the best thing that ever happened to him, ever. Yet he always ended up unintentionally hurting her. Initially, Arnold only wanted to meet with Nicole to confirm what he knew and ask a few things while hearing her out. But after seeing how happy Nina was with his decision, he made his decision to seriously try and work things through. His sister made a mistake and as her brother, he should try to get her side of the story as well. 

"What are... You doing... Arnold. Come lay with me for a while..." Nina mutter as she pulled him in her arms and planted a kiss on his lips. 

Arnold gladly reciprocated and kissed her back. 

"You know... I\'ve been thinking," Arnold mumbled as they broke the kiss. 

"Thinking what?" She mumbled sheepishly. 

"How a jackass like me ended with someone like you?" 

"Ahh... You\'re just a pleasant distraction. Nothing more." She replied playfully. 

"Oh yeah?" Arnold asked at lifted her in arms. 

"Mm-hmm." Nina nodded and kissed him once again. 

At that moment someone was knocking at the door. 

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