
Chapter 459 - Dani

"How does it feels to be cosmic SS ranker?" Arnold greeted his summons with a smile on his face. Since he wasn\'t participating in the fight, he decided to take his helmet off for a while. As cool and deadly as he looked in his armour, he didn\'t like being concealed in it forever.

It took them a while to find the main city of the dwarves as they had multiple settlements spread all over the land. However, the moment they found the main city, he got a bit worried because that\'s when the boss finally showed up and Arnold was not liking what he was seeing in front of him.

The boss of the dungeon turned out to be an Adamantine Golem. That was the reason for Arnold\'s worry. He knew the power of Adamantine seeing a 20-foot tall golem that was constructed with adamantine just like his armour, didn\'t calm him down. He thought his summons were going to be in a lot of trouble.

However, Arnold soon realised his worries were unfounded. As unlike him, the Dwarves didn\'t use Titanium along with Adamantine to create this golem. Instead, they used steel to do so and as a result, even though the Golem was strong it wasn\'t strong enough to take on a continuous barrage of blows from Tiamut and Talos. 

Still, the golem\'s attacks were about as strong as either of them. The only problem was that unlike Talos and Tiamut the golem was slow, way too slow to deal any damage to either Talos and Tiamut. However, this lack of speed was made up by the dozens of AOE skills the golem had been imbued with. Just getting hit by one of those skills could spell the end of his summons. 

Another thing that surprised Arnold was how quickly the golem got used to Talos\' and Tiamut\'s movements. It also managed to copy some of their moves to use against them as the battle progressed.

That\'s why it took quite a while for Talos and Tiamut to take down the tanky bast.ard. But even after they managed to take the thing down, Arnold realised if this golem was to appear on earth, it just might turn out to be a bigger calamity than Tiamut was. 

Warriors on earth were strong but nowhere near strong as to defeat this monster of a construct on their own. Arnold was thankful the dungeon gave them a look at what true craftsmanship looked like. Arnold would have never thought about using Adamantine to create a golem, but now... he was certainly itching to create one. Thankfully, he had just received a crapton of adamantine just now to do exactly that.

"It certainly feels great, master" Talos responded, "All this power... how intriguing."

"I don\'t know how you managed to control yourself after attaining a level even higher than this," Tiamut clenched her fists, "All I want to do is to smash everything around me."

"Easy there. If you want to drain out your strength so much then how about you help me out?" Arnold pointed his thumb towards the fallen Golem, "It would be a waste to leave over 15000 kilograms worth of Adamantine-Steel alloy just like that, don\'t you think so?"

"I think it would be so." Talos nodded in agreement, "We need all the resources we can get our hands on at this time."

"Exactly my point. So the two of you better get to work. Let\'s take all of this home shall we." Arnold smiled before turning around, "You\'ll be coming with us as well."

"A-As y-your command, M-Master." A squeaky female voice replied.

This was the Dwarf who had made the golem all by herself. And although Arnold generally did not like constructs or weapons created by others, it was clear that this tiny midget was really capable of achieving great things. Especially considering how she managed to create a mechanical golem that was not only capable of speech but also copying and using its opponent\'s moves against them. That stuff was something Arnold could genuinely applaud its creator for.

He was positive that together they would be able to create something that even the gods would hesitate to fight against. And considering that he was planning to eventually send a couple of gods on a free trip to hell, he would need more capable people like this Dwarf by his side.

However, she was a bit stubborn and refused to join him. Why? Because his summons had killed every single one of them. In her eyes, Arnold was nothing less than a tyrant and she would have rather died than aid him in any way or form.

Arnold, however, had already set his eyes on having the Dwarf\'s talent for himself. So if she wished to die rather than serve him, he would fulfil her wish. He killed her, and then had Talos resurrect her, then killed her again. This cycle kept repeating again and again till the dwarf willingly submitted herself to him.

Now all that was left to do was to name her. Her original Norse name was something quite vulgar and at that moment, Arnold knew he wasn\'t the worst at giving names. There was always someone much worse out there.

"Hm... what should I name you now? I certainly can\'t call you something that translates to \'Cu.nt Slayer\'." Arnold scratched his chin before looking at her carefully.

He tried to come up with something related to her white skin, but he wasn\'t going to name her Snow White. Naming her after her auburn hair was a bust too. She was extremely tiny, roughly about 3\'2" feet tall, so he thought to name her Midget, but that would have been too harsh even from his standards. In the end, he decided to go for something simple. Since she was dead he decided to give her a name that suited her...

"Dani or the Dead one as it is called in Norse. Doesn\'t seems too bad, does it?"

"N-No, master. I-It\'s a g-great name!" Dani squeaked once again. 

"Great then! We should get going now, we have a lot of things to do and we don\'t have much time."

However, as soon as they got back, another surprise was waiting for Arnold.. The world rank rewards had arrived. 

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