
Chapter 222 - Hellhound

Chapter 222 - Hellhound

Heels clicked on the ground, popping like gunshots. The ominous sound echoed down the hallways. Everyone paused what they were doing. They could barely function with her in sight. Cold eyes and dark hair, smooth skin and an elegant aura; they knew exactly who it was.

When she walked into a room, all eyes were on her. She reeked of money, pride, and charisma. With her gaze set on the goal, she strolled right into his office, folder in hand.

As William choked on his meal, Lina placed the contract onto his desk. Instead of even waiting for him, she uncapped the Yang Enterprise stamp and shoved it in his direction.

William stared at his stamp, his hands lying limp on the desk.

"Sign here, please." Lina snapped the fork out of his writing hand, then replaced it with the stamp.

William furiously chewed his food and swallowed. He narrowed his eyes. "You have the guts to come back here after bringing your hellhound to shoot up my office."

Lina glanced at the spot on the floor, where an obvious bullet indent could be seen. "Oh dear, you didn\'t get it repaired?"

"I wouldn\'t have to if you kept a tight leash on your husband," William deadpanned. His lips curled down in disapproval when he saw the company name.

"Krystal Elit?" William hissed. "You\'re pairing with a little girl that\'s not even favored by her family or first in line to the throne?"

"The throne you speak of is a glorified leather seat where too many behinds have sat," Lina said with a crinkled nose. "Gross."

"And you\'re doing everything you can to sit on this disgusting chair," William retorted, placing the stamp back onto his desk. He even made a grand show of capping it.

Lina controlled her expression, but it leaked from her eyes. Her gaze darkened with disapproval of his actions.

"It\'s a great idea," Lina told him.

"A good idea but a bad company," William informed her like a teacher scolding a student for being stupid. He shook his head at the sight of the contract whilst picking up a pen.

"If you cross out Elit Corporation and replace it with their competitor, I\'ll make sure there is more than one bullet hole in this office," Lina leisurely commented.

William\'s expression grew dim. The temperature dipped below freezing point.

Lina wasn\'t bothered by his frightening presence. Many people trembled and whimpered in William Yang\'s vicinity. No one in this world dared to cross him. No one, except the eldest niece with the same arrogance.

"We\'ve already established a great relationship with Elit\'s competitor. Why risk it for a company where we have to rebuild friendships?" William shot back.

"You\'re friends with the competitor. Neither Cedrick nor I am aware, much less, familiar with them," Lina said.

"Then, you can get to know them—"

"If I knew Elit\'s competitor would be better, I\'d approach them first instead of Krystal," Lina deadpanned. "I\'ve done enough market and company research to know Elit Corporation is best suited for this job."

To prove her point, Lina held out a hand. Immediately, Estella passed her a laptop. Lina turned on the computer, opened the document consisting of all her notes, and then moved it in his direction.

"What\'s this?" William demanded, staring at the perfectly written research paper. There were well written subheaders, eye-catching data graphics, and engaging information.

"This is the real estate market\'s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in comparison to Yang Enterprise\'s soon-to-finish construction apartment community," Lina said.

Lina turned the page. "I even analyzed the threat of new competitors, the suppliers as well as customer bargaining power, internal competition, threats of substitutes, and then researched into the market\'s predictive trend for the next five years," Lina explained.

"Next, I looked into the top ten leading corporations for mass-production of materials that we need for Yang Enterprise\'s successful construction of the new real estate, including this key factor selling point of bulletproof scenery-changing windows in all of our buildings and—"

"Where do I sign?" William relented, just so she could shut her mouth.

William always knew she was more than capable. He saw it in how quickly she identified the weakness in an argument, knew how to manipulate someone\'s fears, and have things go her way. Whether it was overwhelming them with information like this or charming their pants off, she knew it all.

William was always worried about the day she realized her true potential. And it seemed she already did. He wasn\'t concerned that she would beat her cousins in the race for the crown. But he was scared in the manner that she\'d use it against him. That, once she fell into the rabbit hole of power-hungry ambitions, she\'d never be able to crawl out of it.

"Here and here," Lina said, pointing the dotted lines out for him.

William held back a sigh. It was a good idea, really. He briefly saw the summary of the patent and technology. She made a great point, even highlighting the potential flaws of the problem.

"You do realize the housing crisis is at an all time high?" William shot back. "Prices for housing are insane, higher than it\'s ever been."

"You act like big corporations like us haven\'t contributed to it," Lina said with an aloof tone.

William frowned. Nonetheless, he uncapped the stamp and pressed the seal onto the paper.

"This is a great amenity," Lina explained. "One that customers will desperately want, especially with how quickly weapons are being manufactured nowadays."

"You\'re aware."

"Of course," Lina muttered. "But guns are still not legalized yet. This bulletproof window will be a bonus incentive to many high-profiling executives. There\'s a lot of new money on the rise, who\'d be desperate to live in real estate built by us, a family older than Ritan."

Lina picked up her purse from the leather chair behind her. She straightened to her height.

"We\'ll exploit our kind," Lina said to William. "Turn the crisis onto them, not the people. You want your next cash cow? You make people fight for the chance to live in the soon-to-be tallest apartment complex in all of Ritan."

William raised a cruel gaze to her. Sometimes, he missed her. He missed the little girl who\'d sit in his lap whilst he played chess with her.

William longed for the swell of his chest when he realized he could\'ve had a daughter like her. Especially when she\'d squeal in delight from winning, even though he always lost to her. And when she looked up to him with bright eyes, he\'d sworn he would have a daughter. Only to never have a single child in his life.

"You\'ve gone from a little girl who sat in my lap to a grown woman stomping people down," William dryly said. "What you just said to me can\'t be said anywhere else."

"It\'s because it\'s you that I say such things," Lina told him.

Another test for Estella.

This kind of gruesome talk only happened behind closed doors and between Yangs. Lina would wait for this conversation to reach high society or even worse, the news media. That way, Lina would know who leaked it. Only Estella, as an employee, was present here.

Now that Lina dangled another opportunity to snitch, she was beginning to wonder if Estella would ever take the bait. When Lina turned her head, she caught Estella\'s gaze. Instead of reacting to the harsh words, Estella presented a slow smile.

"Up next on your schedule, Madam, you have a lunch reservation," Estella explained in a collected motion.

"No need," Lina said, almost proud of how well Estella held herself. "I\'ll be having lunch with someone."

"Eat with me," William instantly demanded from her, rising out of his seat. He watched her perfectly manicured finger pick up the contract, then she slid it into a purse that was worth half an employee\'s annual salary.

"I\'d rather get indigestion," Lina said with a small snort. Then, she turned on her heels and headed for the door.

"You ran into Clyde," William pointed out.

Lina immediately froze. Just the mention of that sickening man\'s name…

Lina wanted to command him as well. To make sure the incident never happened again, but that\'d be foolish. She was arrogant, but William was still older than her father. He was still Chairman Yang. Above that, he was still scouring for her weaknesses.

"Yes, it was a delight," Lina forced out.

"The entire family has caught wind of your closeness with Atlantis Medeor. They\'re on high-alert. You\'ll be seeing more of Clyde soon," William informed her. "There will be a family reunion you must attend."

Lina ignored the last part. She\'d rather eat her purse than eat a meal with her entire family. They were conniving and cruel. But so was she.

"If you do not go, Clyde will fetch you from your house kicking and screaming in the same manner as when you were a little girl," William warned. "You will go and show your father some face."

Lina\'s eyes flashed. Kicking and screaming huh. That wasn\'t the only reason why.

"If Clyde wants to kidnap me from my own house, he\'s welcome to do so," Lina began.

William\'s brows shot up in shock. He didn\'t think she\'d become this bold and audacious. He recalled how many times she\'d freeze, tear up, and try to not cry at the mention of her Second Uncle. He understood her reasoning. The man was sinister, sadistic, and belonged in a mental asylum.

"But I can\'t promise he\'ll make it out of my house alive," Lina softly said. "Not with a hellhound guarding me."

William nearly laughed at her words. This woman, she really knew how to turn things against him.. An insult for her husband turned into a sudden compliment. How was he going to deal with her now?

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