
Chapter 284 Yipeee!

And because he was attacking so ferociously, his attacks served as a form of excellent defense too! As they say, the best defense is offense, and Wu Kong certainly pushed that saying to the very limit.


He unleashed a blindingly fast series of swings that flowed so perfectly and so efficiently from one attack to the next that his opponents couldn’t but gasp in wonder even as they were scrambling to parry his attacks!


He unleashed a massive overhead swing during a split second when his two opponents stepped back and completely shattered his opponent’s greatsword!!

“Ah!! My heirloom treasure sword!!” The Hegemom screamed in anguish!

It was a mistake.

There was absolutely no room for emotional outbursts during a fight with Wu Kong.

Wu Kong’s attack slipped through the tiny gap which the Hegemon left during his short outburst of anguish and connected.


It was by no means an all out attack.

In fact, in terms of strength, it barely registered at the very peak of Emperor level.

But it was filled to the brim with Darklight Energy which the Hegemom had no defense against.

Wu Kong’s rod blasted his chest apart like a high voltage electric rod piercing through butter.


Half his chest and his right arm just… blew up!! The Hegemon’s eyes bulged in shock and he collapsed to the ground.

Whether he was still alive or dead, was anybody’s guess. But one thing was for sure. He was out of the fight.


Bam! Bam! Bam!

The second Hegemon took the opportunity to attack the slightly over extended Wu Kong, but his attacks were calmly deflected by a Darklight Wolf Summon who sacrificed his life to protect Wu Kong’s.

That final exchange saw both parties’ number count drop by one.

But what trade it was.

A Darklight Wolf Summon in exchange for a Hegemon!

Elsewhere, Red was having a heck of a time dealing with a couple of Hegemons.

The two Hegemons, both black-scaled humanoid lizards of sorts, weren’t actually interested in fighting with Red’s weird transport/fighter, but Red had unleashed his ten disciples and the eleven of them had immediately buzzed the hell out of the two black-scaled humanoid lizards and forced them to take Red and his disciples seriously, at least for a moment to drive them off!

“Bildie numbel fol! Look me! Look me! I clash into his eye! Ahhh! Miss! I clash into his nose!”

“Bildie numbel fol! No look at bildie numbel thlee! He no smalt! Look me! I… ahhh!! I clash into his mouth!! Help! Help! Helpppp!!”

As usual, his ten little disciples made a complete mess out of the situation.

They crashed this way and that way, and irritated the hell out of their opponents.

But who was Red? He was a Master Designer! He had made his little fleet of fighters completely immune to lightning! It was one of the reasons why he chose to deal with those two particular Hegemons. He had immediately sensed their dual lightning/gold attribute and had called dibs on them!

That way, Red was able to completely lock down his targets even though he had close to zero chance to take them down.

Near him, Brock and Ellie were having the time of their lives leading Elliot’s Darklight Summons against the massive group of Emperors and rampaging through them like a fearsome general duo!

“Gramps! Why-“

“No! I won’t tolerate you saying that we’re dealing with weaklings anymore!” Brock roared as he swiped at an enormous golem Emperor that was rolling towards him.


His paw smashed into the golem and caused it to crack in several areas!

“No, I wanted to say, why are you with me fighting with these weaklings? You should be fighting a big and powerful one!” Ellie shouted as she too swiped her massive paw at a scorpion-like monster with three poisonous tails that could swing in different directions at once.


Her paw crushed the scorpion’s head and she deftly dodged the scorpion’s three tails.


Brock grunted and crushed one of the tails with his paw, slashed at the other one with his other paw, and allowed the final tail to hit his rock-hard armor.

All three tails were immediately destroyed.

“See? You still need my help. How am I supposed to leave you to fight by yourself and deal with a powerful enemy? You would be so worried of me and that would make you fight even less effectively, and that in turn would make me worried, and make me fight less effectively, which will make you more worried and…”


His powerful paw accurately smashed into an elf Emperor’s head and killed him instantly, easily exhibiting near Hegemon level strength that would allow him to go toe to toe with any of the opponents in that battle field.

“… right.” Ellie rolled her eyes, dodged a screaming ape-like Emperor’s all out attack with a nimble side-step and snapped at his legs.

Deadly venom immediately shot through his veins and within a quick second, he shrivelled up and died.

Ellie was definitely not any less deadly compared to her grandfather!

However, two Hegemons appeared before them at that moment to stem the horrendous hemorrhage of Emperors that the two of them were causing.

“Uh oh. Two strong ones just appeared.” Brock groaned even as he charged at them fearlessly.

“Yipeee! Let’s go!!” Ellie shouted happily as she too charged after her gramps without a single trace of fear!

Being absolutely freakish tanks that could take a TON of damage, both of them could do whatever they liked in the battlefield without much fear of being quickly taken down!

In a battle, they had to take a little bit more care than usual, but even then, it would take those Hegemons quite a bit of time before they could accumulate sufficient energy to pierce through their Darklight Energy enhanced defences!

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