
Chapter 62 - The Right Thing To Do?

      \'Well, I should get some rest, and continue looking tomorrow.\' Yue thought to himself completely forgetting about Yang. Yue fell asleep quickly excited for the next day to come.

---- The Next Morning At Sunrise ----


    *Yawn, All four woke up, from their good nights rest, all in natural forms.

    \'That was a good nights\' sleep.\' Yue thought to himself as he woke up surrounded by soft fluffy predatory animals. \'Hahah, if anyone else from my previous world, they would probably think I would be eaten. Anyways, time to get up.\' Yue thought as he starts pushing himself up off the garden floor, Shen Hu, Huoli, and Xue Meiren get up shortly after and start following him while yawning a little, still waking up.

      "Where are we going now my king?" Xue Meiren asks while they are walking down the street, with the sun just rising.

      "I made a promise that I have yet to keep, thus I want to at least start working on it today. Which, by the way, I have not forgotten what I promised you. I remember I still need to make your snowy little home, just as I did for the tigers." Yue replied.

      "What did you promise if I may ask?" 

      "Just that I would name a bunch of people, which reminds me, I have something for you three, and one for your baby as well, once they are born that is." Yue said as he pulled out three illusion armbands, and reaches towards them.

    The three look at him cautiously, and Yue noticing this stops, saying. "Do not worry, these are just arm bands that make you appear as human, as well as give you access to 99 percent of all the areas in this town, including the inns for the people living here. May I put them on you?" 

    Shen Hu, hearing this, turns to his human form, nodding at Huoli to do the same. Both standing before their king, Shen Hu speaks up. "We can do it, however you may want to help her. We mean no disrespect my king, it just makes us a little uncomfortable having someone put something like this on us." Huoli nodding at Shen Hus\' words.

    To settle their doubts, Yue unbuttoned and took off his shirt, unintentionally showing off his great physique. He had pecks, abs, biceps, etc that looked as though they could shred even metal. "It is alright, I understand. Also just to settle your doubts, here is mine. There is only a slight difference as mine opens all the areas in case of emergency." Yue said while showing them his illusion arm band, then putting his shirt back on.

    Even Shen Hu as a male had to admit, he looked amazing in his mind. Xue Meiren was blushing so much she thought her fur would change color. Huoli remained the same, just thinking her mate was the best in existence.

      "Sorry if that made you uncomfortable." Yue said as he passed two of the arm bands to Shen Hu. Then Shen Hu placed his on his arm, while using his free hand to put Huolis\' on her. Meanwhile, Yueliang, ask Xue Meiren. "Would you like it on one of your legs, or on your tail?"

      Blushing even more, hearing him talk about her tail, and wanting to be closer she says in a quiet reply. "My tail please." While the other two watched almost dumbfounded. 

      Yueliang then coiled it around a little above the middle of her tail, tight enough it would not fall off. Then, looking around, he noticed one cute look, and two dumbfounded ones, thus he asks. "What? Did I do something wrong? Do I have something on me?"

      Xue Meiren, and Huoli just stayed quiet, letting the males speak. Shen Hu intercedes saying. "My king, I am not certain whether you know or not, seeing as you are not an animal, however we do have customs, and such. You see, our tail is not only our sense of balance, and for hunting, but also an erogenous zone, among other things. We do not normally let other touch our tail unless we are intimate, do you see now?"

    Yueliang blushed a little, and was caught off guard, thus continuing quickly. "I apologize, Xue Meiren if I made you uncomfortable. I had not known of such things..."

    Quickly interrupting Yueliang, while Shen hu just shook his head, Xue Meiren says. "There is no need to apologize, I am quite happy \'you\' did it." 

    "It seems I really need to study up more on other races." Yue mumbled to himself.

    Hearing this two of them nodded while Xue Meiren spoke again. "I can teach you if you want."

      "I will gladly take you up on that sometime, however I must get to naming the others first, among other things." Yue said happily.

      The four then continue on their short walk to the city center, whilst Yueliang snaps, thus summoning Rei.

      "Hello Rei, sorry to call you so early in the morning, however, could you quickly call everyone over to the town circle? I would summon them, however I do not want to embarrass anyone."

      "No problem my king, also, thank you for your consideration. It shall be done soon." Rei said as he started running around letting people know, and having them pass the message as well.

---- About 20 Minutes Later ----

      "Hello everyone, I am sorry for calling you so early in the morning, I hope you slept well. Either way, it is time to fulfill my promise now, well at least part of it. I shall be naming you all, or at least as many as I can before I need a break. That is unless any of you do not want a name. Hehehe" Yueliang announced. 

      Hearing the announcement they cheered while quickly getting into an orderly line, and Yueliang started naming them one by one. They were each named starting with the A\'s, aside from those already with a name, in which he just gave them the same name, thus enhancing its effects, as Yueliangs\' naming is much more pure due to cultivating.









    And so on until he hit 5,000 of the six thousand, he felt so exhausted he thought he may die. However he just said. "For those 1,000 I have yet to name, I will do it soon, however I need to do some quests first. I apologize." 

    "There is no need for apology milord, we are already amazed you could do this much." One of the unnamed came forward and spoke. Even those who were named still stuck around to watch such a scene, and stop him should it be necessary, as naming can be lethal for the namer.

      Yue just as he was about to leave, lost his strength, passed out, and fell right onto Shen Hu in his tiger form, who then said. "Alright everyone, I will take care of our king, please get back to your work. We do not want this wonderful young prodigy who is our leader to be disappointed right? Take care everyone, and work hard."

    While this was being said, Huoli, and Xue Meiren adjusted Yueliangs\' body so he would not fall off while the brought him back to his house. Huoli then changed form upon their arrival, then picking up Yueliang and placing him on his bed before changing back. 

    Dreaming, and seemingly peacefully sleeping, Yue lay there on his bed, being watched over by three beautiful predatory animals. Such a surprising sight to behold, however after roughly an hour Yueliang woke up with a killer headache saying. "Wow this hurts, anyways, did I at least get most of them named?"

    "Wow, my king, you nearly kill yourself, and yet you are more worried about your people? Truly and admirable leader, however you must care for yourself as well, lest you make those under you suffer." Huoli spoke in her soft beautiful voice, that seemed to have a lot of knowledge.

      "My mate is right, you must be more careful." Shen Hu was short and to the point.

      "Is there anything you need? Can I make it better in anyway?" Xue Meiren asked.

      Rubbing his head a little to try and rid himself of the headache, Yue spoke in an extremely kind and sincere voice. "Thank you so much for your care, and watching over me. Also, I agree, you are right, I must be more careful, however if I do not push my limits how will I grow? Also, if you could get me some cold water, that might help. Thank you."

      The two tigers nodded in appreciation that he was taking this seriously. Whilst hearing his request, Xue Meiren, took in chi, communicated with it, then released it while assigning matter to it, creating a refreshing water ball in mid air. She then guided it to Yueliang, that he may drink it. Xue Meiren also said concernedly. "Drink slowly, you are still a bit weak."

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