
Chapter 158 - Glorious Day

The day dawned with clear skies and a deeply refreshing cool breeze that blew down from the mountains nearby. The sun\'s early morning rays pierced through the darkness of the night with extreme splendor, shining upon the City of Rin in a burst of vitality that saw millions of newly planted flowers bloom in response.

A sweet fragrance filled the air and signalled the start of a glorious new day. A day to be remembered for all posterity to come.

King Alexander and Princess Aleyria would be getting married that day.

The moment the sun\'s rays hit the brand new Royal Palace of Rin-Turah, thousands of trumpets blared into life and played a jubilant tone. All eight of the Royal Palace\'s utterly massive gates slowly swung open and released their wooden drawbridges.


The drawbridges hit the ground on the other side of the wide moat that surrounded the Royal Palace and finally allowed the huge crowd that had waited outside each and every gate to enter.

A huge cheer erupted the moment the crowd realized that the celebration was finally about to begin! As one, they pushed and jostled their way excitedly into the Royal Palace.

"Oooohh! This new Royal Palace is MASSIVE! It is much, much bigger than the previous one!" A villager remarked.

"Yeah! I actually came from the Northern Lightning Gate. It was so crowded there that I made my way to the North-Eastern Fire Gate, thinking that it would be less crowded. But DAMN! It was worse!" Another one replied.

"Northern Lightning Gate? How the heck did you end up here in the Southern-Eastern Earth Gate?" A third voice joined the conversation.

"I went from gate to gate, hoping to find one that is less crowded, but each gate is MORE crowded than the next! There must be at least a million people in total trying to enter the Royal Palace!"

"I wonder if the Royal Palace is big enough to accommodate all of us?" Asked another.

"Of course it is! Do you know that it took me the ENTIRE night to come here from the North Gate?" The second speaker replied.

"What? That\'s HUGE!"

"Well, I did go to the Southern Gate first, but apparently it was reserved for VIPs, so I came back here… And damn, look at that!"



All one million pairs of eyes grew wide and one million jaws hit the ground when they saw what was in the center of the Royal Palace.

A massive circular tower stood right in the middle of the vast area that was the Royal Palace. In fact, the entirety of the Royal Palace was just that one massive tower. It was an impressive fifty meters tall and its exterior was built out of black obsidian. It reflected the early morning sun\'s rays and shone beautifully.

The exquisitely designed tower had a very wide base and slowly sloped inwards like a mountain as it rose to the top.

However, what was unique about the tower was that it had an ornate and regal stairway built around it, much like how a mountain road hugged the mountainside and made its way to the peak.

On its peak was a platform that could be seen by everyone in the Palace Grounds surrounding the tower.

Apparently that was where the wedding ceremony would take place as the crowd could see that it was beautifully decorated with flowers.

Within a few short minutes, all of the crowd had managed to enter the Royal Palace through the seven wide gates. The Southern Gate which was reserved for VIP remained conspicuously empty.

The excitement and anticipation that filled the air was palpable as the million strong crowd waited patiently. The Royal Palace grounds were so large that the crowd could even all sit down and make themselves comfortable while waiting if they wanted to, and there would still be space to spare!

However before any of them could do that, the thousands of trumpets blared once more, filling the entire area with a joyous and upbeat melody that pulled at the heartstrings and stirred the blood of all who listened at the same time.

"CITIZENS OF GLORIOUS RIN-TURAH!!!!" A loud voice boomed from the platform above the tower suddenly. "HOW ARE YOU THIS MORNINGGGG?!"

At that, a thunderous roar erupted from the crowd as a million throats screamed and yelled out their response!

"Today is an historic day! A day to be remembered for ALL TIME!!" The voice boomed on as the crowd cheered even louder.

"Today, we celebrate the rebuilding of the City of Rin! Today we celebrate the successful defense of our beloved planet against horrible invaders. But above ALL OF THAT! TODAY!


The crowd grew so excited that they screamed until their throats were hoarse, and then began to clap and stomp their feet!







The speaker was so skillful in manipulating the emotions of the crowd with his voice that the excitement of the crowd rose to a fever pitch. Some got so excited that they fainted. Some peed in their pants. Some did both.

"Before we begin! Let us welcome our honored guests who had come from afar just to witness today\'s historical event! From Zan! Once our enemies now turned ally! Let us welcome King BIRUZ!!!!"

ROARRR!!! The crowd roared their approval.

However, in the distance, a much louder ROAR rang out!!


Hundreds of Wyverns roared out their excitement as King Biruz made his grand entrance!

Giant Wyverns of all colours flew in a neat formation and performed a little aerial dance and stirred up the crowd as they clapped and cheered appreciatively.

After their little dance, a single large Black Wyvern separated itself from the crowd and dove towards the platform. A large Troll leapt athletically from the Wyvern and landed nimbly on the platform.

"KING BIRUZ OF ZAN!" The voice boomed once more.

"And the gift he bears is-" But before he could continue, the space above the platform suddenly shimmered and a portal appeared!

"HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!" A loud, flamboyant voice rang out from the portal!

Author\'s Note

Hi guys! Thank you for all your support thus far! I apologize for not updating as often. I hope you liked this short chapter that\'s the slow start of a bloody and exciting wedding day for Alexander and Aleyria! Stay tuned!

PS. I am participating in WPC 242 with my new novel Speed Is King. Do drop by for a visit if possible. It\'s a beast system with a really rare survival racing theme in an apocalypse. Hope you\'ll like it and support me with powerstones as well so I can win the WPC. :)

Much love and appreciations!


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