
Chapter 8 Lets Begin

[Quest: Introduce yourself to the members of your household and take your place as the demon lord.]

[Reward: 100,000 Acres of land and The demon castle]

The only indication that Floid was surprised by what he saw in front of him was a slow blink. He was already used to this as well. When he was a hero, he would get quests to either subjugated a demon hideout or clear a village of demons and he would also get rewards for doing a good job. It wasn\'t new to him.

But the reward for what he would be doing seemed a bit much. An entire castle? And what does the system mean by introducing myself to the members of my household? I don\'t even have a house yet. Maybe it has something to do with this castle? I\'ll have to ask Dragonnel. Floid turned to Dragonnel as they continued their conversation. Dragonnel didn\'t know that Floid got any missions from the system because of how well Floid handled it. Floid didn\'t want to reveal all his cards at once especially since he is still learning if he can trust this dragon or not.

"Okay, so you are the dragon of ice. Am I the first demon lord you contracted since you were... Captured? You said the first demon lord was the one to capture you. Have there been other demon lords other than me?"

Floid asked this question to see if he could get more information about this world from the dragon. He didn\'t know if the world outside is the same as the game he played. It will be nice if the dragon could reveal more about this world.

Dragonnel spoke in that same rumbling voice.

"You are the second demon lord after the first. There was one who dared to call herself a demon lord but a fake is all that she was."

Floid\'s brow furrowed. Was this dragon talking about the girl he fought in the game? The demon Queen that they were meant to defeat.

What does Dragonnel mean by fake?

Floid asked the dragon this question and it replied with distaste. It was obvious that the dragon did not like the former demon queen.

"She was not chosen to be a candidate nor did she pass the trials to become a demon lord. All she did was take the mantle up after her father, the first demon lord, died in battle. It was truly disgusting and that is why I refused to make a contract with her. I am only obligated to serve the demon lord and she is not fit to be called one. Truly, how disgraceful it was to have someone called a demon lord fall to a hero."

Floid chuckled internally. He wondered what the dragon would think f it knew that he was the hero that killed her. But still, it seemed a bit too much for the dragon to just put her aside like that. Floid could tell that she was strong.

"Even if she was strong? One of the strongest out of all the people out there? You still wouldn\'t have made a contract with her?"

The dragon almost seemed to narrow its eyes at Floid.

"Do not presume that her strength is anywhere near what is required to become a demon lord. Do not underestimate the position you hold, master. Yours is an existence that is to be feared just at the mention of your name. She was but a child that rode off the glory of her father to amass a small army. It is nothing that hasn\'t already been done. Although I find myself curious as to how you would know that. According to my knowledge, you should not have met her before,"

Floid almost twitched in annoyance for letting something like that out. Almost. He just shrugged nonchalantly and the dragon hummed as it realized Floid would not be answering.

"Very well, master. If it is a secret you wish to keep you are free to do so. I cannot force you."

Floid was starting to like this giant lizard! It knew when to back down and stop asking too many questions just from my expression? It might actually make a good subordinate. Floid was someone that has never had a friend before. He couldn\'t stand the suffocating air that society surrounded him with and he also hated his peers so every single person around him just seemed like a faceless faker that blended into his surrounding.

But ever since he came here, Floid hasn\'t felt that way. Ha hasn\'t felt suffocated or even annoyed. Not even the monsters he met in the trials made him feel uncomfortable! It was so freeing! Floid felt like he could finally breathe clean air after centuries of only taking in smoke!

Is it because he is now a demon? Or is it because he hasn\'t met a single human all this time. It was obvious from the very beginning that demons and humans have very different mindsets. Unlike humans, demons were more in tune with their instinct and they don\'t try to hide it by putting up a fake front. This was what calmed Floid down the most. Knowing that the person you are talking to is real and not just some construct forged by society. It was a welcome difference.


Floid and Dragonnel walked out of the cave after they had that talk. Dragonnel was once more in his human form and he was walking one step behind Floid while guiding him toward their next destination. The place where they ended up was another large door that loomed over the two of them. It was crafted entirely of gold and Floid knew that it was probably more expensive than all the money he has ever seen in his entire life.

"Master. I don\'t think you should keep them waiting. They have all been waiting for a long time already,"

Floid glanced back at Dragonnel for a moment before steeling himself. This was it. If he opened this door he would probably become a part of this entire mess of a game. It would be like he was saying \'This is my life now\'. But really, what would be so wrong with that? It\'s not like he enjoyed life in his other world. Fuck it. He was here already so he was going to enjoy every second of it!

Floid pushed the door open and he was immediately greeted with the sight of a large throne room. The entire room was dark but the throne in the distance had a dim light shining on it. On one sides of the throne stood a line of people. Four women and a man.

The man and women that were standing by the throne were ramrod straight as they stood and waited for Floid to acknowledge their presence. The man there was dressed in a crisp suit that just screamed \'stylish!\'. He was named Alucard and he is the head butler of this castle.

All the women were dressed in the same maid outfit. The head maid there was named Rosavellt and she had skin that was paler than anything Floid had ever seen. Her eyes were a deep red but these differences took nothing away from her beauty. Her hair was a shade of dark black that fell down her back in cascading waves and her bust was a generous 35D. The other women there were also assorted. One of them was a short woman that just barely got up to Floid\'s chest. She has sharp pointy ears and when Floid looked at her he rose a brow when she gave him a cheeky grin. She was immediately hit on the back of the head by Rosavellt and she schooled her features again. Floid could immediately tell that she was quite the free spirit.

The third woman was rather tall and she was stood a few inches above Floid. She has two horns coming out from her forehead and her skin was tanned. Out of all the girls here, Floid would say that she was the most endowed in both the ass and breast region. He couldn\'t even find a single spot in her tall body that wasn\'t perfect.

Her face was also schooled in an impassive look, just like Rosavellt, almost like she had no emotions to show at all.

The last of the women was the most intriguing to Floid. She was a lamia. A real lamia this time, not a Dracia. She was also dressed in a maid gown, but there was a large tail that spread out in coils under her. Her hair was vibrant pink and she also had the brightest blue eyes Floid had ever seen in his life. Out of all the girls there, this one looked like she was the most nervous, she had her hands joined in front of her but from the way she kept moving them, Floid could easily tell that she was nervous.

As Floid walked deeper into the room, he noticed as Dragonnel went to stand beside the butler in the room. Then as one, all of them bowed as he passed them. Floid paid them no mind. His eyes were glued to the throne that he was walking towards. A throne that ruled over a world that he once destroyed with his own sword. How ironic.

Floid walked up the stairs and he could almost feel like the throne was daring him to seat in it. Almost like it was telling him that he was putting himself under a lot of pressure for taking this seat! Floid scoffed! He already lived his whole life under pressure! Do you really think I\'ll allow some responsibility to scare me into submission!? I welcome it!

Floid turned and took the seat and all of the servants straightened as Floid finally spoke his first words to them.

"Let\'s begin,"

[Host has completed the quest. The rewards have been delivered and accepted.]


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