
Chapter 9 First Days In The Castle.

This world was very similar to the world that Floid played the game in! Other than a few differences here and there, he could even say that this world is a replica of the game! The power system is exactly the same! The classes are divided into F class to SS class. In order to be in an F class, you must have at least two D class skills. To be in a D class, you must have two C class skills and so on. The only class that had never existed as far as Floid knew was the SSS class. He has no idea what level of skill you had to have before you can be called an SSS class. If you have SS class skills then you will be considered as one of the strongest people in this entire world. You will probably even get an honorable title to yourself. Like a duke or a baron! But what sort of praises will you get as an SSS-Class!?

There has only been one person to get up to two SS class skills and that person was the previous demon Queen that Floid fought against. Floid still wondered what that dragon meant when it said that she wasn\'t that strong! Just what sort of people must the dragon have fought again for him to say that someone with SS class skills isn\'t strong!

Over the next few days, Floid got used to living in the castle. He learned the names of all the maids as well as the butler that took it upon himself to follow Floid around everywhere and every time. It was a little weird to have people following you around whenever you move but Floid got used to it! The dragon and butler didn\'t talk much and so Floid could tolerate their presence!

It turns out that the place where Floid landed is on the western side of Rivalle, opposite where Floid knew the human kingdom was According to the game, this side of the world was supposed to be inhospitable and no one has ever been here before! Floid wondered if this castle has always been here and the humans just tried to hide it by spreading rumors that this place was forbidden and dangerous.

It was in that kingdom that Floid fought as the hero, and so he never came down to this part of the world. No one around here would know Floid as the hero at all! Floid was also wondering if he should even be worried about that. Even if Floid went to the kingdom, they might not even remember him. Apparently, the hero took down the demon queen a hundred years ago. Human beings usually tend to exaggerate and change stories as time goes by. Everyone Floid knew was probably dead!

Roosevelt, the head maid of the castle, was the one that Floid told to take him around the castle. Floid followed beside her as she took him through everywhere that he wanted to see. The castle was huge! So large that Floid wondered how the maids could clean everything themselves! There were only four maids and he didn\'t think only four people could take care of this entire castle alone. Althoogh, if they were using magic then it would be a different case!

Floid asked Rosavellt this question and she almost seemed shocked that he was taking an interest in their job. She never thought he would ask her something about the maids! But if he wishes to know then she must tell him! She cleared her throat and told Floid that they all had familiars that they could contract. The familiars would help them with their jobs and also aid them in any task around the castle.

Floid was intrigued! Is this the same thing that he has with Dragonnel?

Rosavellt brought out one of her familiars and it turned out to be a skeleton. It formed out of the ground and hunched over silently as it just waited for Rosavellt to tell it what to do. Okay, maybe this familiar isn\'t the same as Dragonnel. That dragon would feel angry if I ever compared him to these puppets!

Once Floid saw enough of the inside he finally told Rosavellt to take him outside. Rosavellt immediately obeyed and guided him to the large door in front of the castle. The outside of the castle was beautiful. In front of him, Floid could see nothing but land for miles and miles! Grass, flowers, sand land. Everything that reached up to the horizon was like a palette of unending colors! It looked like a peaceful rural area as the breeze blew across the fields.

There was someone on the farm already. It was the shy lamia that Floid noticed was always nervous around him. Her name was Andromeda. She hadn\'t seen the two of them yet, so the lamia just kept on working diligently asFloid watched her! She had her hand stretched out as she used some sort of skill to raise a large portion of soil and turn it over before she spread it across the land. There was a large golem familiar beside her made entirely of stone and it was carrying a large bag of what Floid assumed to be fertilizer. So she was the one in charge of taking care of the farms. I wouldn\'t have tagged her as the kind of person to have a green thumb!

Floid started to walk forward but Rosavellt suddenly spoke up.

"Master. Maybe we should go back inside? This is not a place for a person of your status,"

Floid looked back at her for a second and Rosavellt tried to keep her impassive stare in place! She couldn\'t let her master dirty his hands in such a dirty place.

Floid frowned in annoyance. Were they trying to baby him? Ever since Floid wanted to come outside, he noticed that Rosavellt kept trying to keep him inside. Almost like she didn\'t want him to even touch anything dirty. I don\'t think there\'s anything wrong with them caring about me, but I hate being told that I can\'t do something. It annoys me more than anything else.

"Never repeat such a thing to me again, Rosavellt. I\'ll only warn you about this once,"

Rosavellt\'s eyes widened slightly in shock before she bowed apologetically. She never meant to demand anything of him!

"I\'m truly sorry,"

Floid took in a deep breath before he turned and started to walk forward again. Floid couldn\'t fault her for what she did so he didn\'t hold it against her. It might seem weird, but Floid was already used to her undying loyalty. There was a time when he asked her why she and the rest of the household were so loyal to him and what she told him was this.

"We were picked out specifically by the former demon lord. For years, our job has been to keep this castle safe for the return of the new demon lord. And in the same way, if you were ever to meet your demise, you would be required to pick out a household for the next demon lord that will occupy this house,"

Floid wasn\'t disturbed by her saying he will die. I mean, he would die, eventually. But why does he have to pick out a new set of staff? What about this one?

"If you were ever to meet your demise, then it will be our greatest honor to meet it along with you. Where you go, we shall go. Your enemies shall be our own and your allies shall be our own. Our only wish in life is to serve you in a way that will not bring you shame,"

Damn. Talk about devotion. This was exactly what Dragonnel said to Floid when he became his servant and Floid felt like it was some sort of pledge in this world. But even with all this, Floid didn\'t know if he could trust them completely. He trusted Dragonnel a little more but it would take time before he let his guard down around the other demons. But for now, it was enough.

Floid and Rosavellt walked out to the field where Andromeda was tending to the soil. She was humming and smiling while telling her golem what to do. But once Rosavellt cleared her throat the lamia shrieked in fright and turned around faster than the speed of light!

Once she saw Floid, Andromeda\'s fear reached new heights and she quickly fumbled to bow properly! Oh no! The demon lord saw her playing around! Was he going to punish her now!? She didn\'t think he would come outside at all! This isn\'t a place for someone of his status! Didn\'t Rosavellt tell me that only the servants be outside in the soil!? Why is the demon lord here all of a sudden!?

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